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  • it fixed the front end but not the back-end for me.

    actually, let me clarify, it is still on the back-end, but ONLY on the back-end for woocommerce related back-end. so the back-end is mostly ok, but if I need to click on any woocommerce related links (like “orders” or anything in the woocommerce menu), the error comes up all the time.

    I found out that I needed to update a plugin that uses the jquery – try deactivating each plugin until you find the fault.

    My problem was a Login Plugin. When I installed an updated plugin everything returned to normal.

    This was for me as well

    I am currently researching which WordPress theme and stylye.

    The one I like is

    It however gives me this error message blockUI requires jQuery v1.3 or later! You are using v1.10.2

    Is this an error with the site design or with my computer?


    note that that error is not from your computer at all is from the jQuery script from your wordpress theme.

    if you purchased this theme contact the developer and have them update the theme for you, other than that make sure all plugins installed on your WordPress site are up to date.

    download-monitor plugin causing it for me

    Mine was the Sidebar Login plugin. Update fixed it.



    The error message “blockUI requires jQuery v1.2.3 or later! You are using v1.10.2” cropped on my WordPress site a few months ago when using the backside admin functions. I turned off all plugins and finally found that the problem plugin was Woocommerce. I read every post here and elsewhere discussing a fix for the problem and followed all suggestions. I commented out the “alert. . .” line I found in two .js files as suggested and it worked . . . with one little problem. The message no longer shows up on MY computer when accessing Woocommerce functions in the admin panel but it still shows up on my wife’s computer when she uses the same functions. We are both on the same network and are logging into the same WordPress admin panel. I thought about cookies but (as far as I know) I deleted all cookies. Any suggestions?

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