• jonmeadowbrook


    Greetings wordpress users,

    I have discovered a problem with my blog and I am not sure what to search for when trying to resolve this issue.

    I had this problem before updating to 4.1 and I have currently de-activated all of my plugins.

    I have observed that the previews of my blog posts intermittently show a broken link preview, even though there appears to be nothing wrong with the picture. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Do you have the setting Automatic Image Thumbs set under Dynamic Image Resizer in your Object options panel? If so, it could be that the resizing process is sometimes just taking too long and this is giving the image not found icon. Every image request is calling a script which loads the uploaded image and resizes it on the fly it to suit the moment. The more usual way of doing this is for the software to create thumbnails in a range of sizes when the image is first added to the media library. Then pages can load image thumbnails directly, which is quicker. Try turning Automatic Image thumbs off.

    You may get a better answer at WooThemes support. They know their theme best. This forum is aimed at supporting www.ads-software.com themes:



    Hello. I won’t pretend to be an expert, but lorro is on to something. If you go to gtmetrix.com and plug in your site address, then click on the Timeline tab you will see that A) your page load time is really, really slow, and B) that several of your thumbs (the ones in red) are doing exactly what lorro is suggesting.

    Aside from taking lorro’s advice I would definitely recommend making your images smaller and/or compressing them. Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter jonmeadowbrook


    Thank you guys for your recommendations! I am so thankful that someone saw my post

    Thread Starter jonmeadowbrook


    THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP!!!! WordPress is a challenging beast to understand but you guys figured out my issue!!!! I went into the theme settings, found the “dynamic images” panel and turned off

    “enable dynamic image resizer”

    When i tried turning it back on, the same issue occurred, so I am just going to leave it alone!!!

    I am so pleased that I don’t have to remodel my entire site!!!

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