• question. maybe i’m just being stupid and not seeing where to set this. i’d like the normal blog to display with the newest post first. but the categories should display from oldest to newest. any ideas? i feel like this should be obvious, and i’m just missing it.

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  • Normal Link might look like this:
    Now you just put this:
    to have the oldest records show up on top.
    I don’t know wether its a good idea but you could also hardcode this in the CMS, but I wouldn’t propably.

    Thread Starter valentine


    so it’s a matter of hardcoding the category links in the template, rather than setting a wordpress variable so that they do this automatically?

    Hmm — somewhere the sort order is determined and set to Descending, so you could go there (b2template.functions.php ?) and set it the way it defaults to an Ascending order.
    It depends – if you want most if not all displayed in Ascending order, then it’s propably a good idea to “hardcode” it inside the WP files, but if its just for some occasions you’de be better off leaving the system alone and set the links you want.
    (If I understand you correctly… *g*)

    Any idea where to change the order of the actual posts? I have a chapter based blog that is starting from the last chapter to the first.






    No guarantees on this, but I believe if you force an explicit order before including the blog header, it’ll work. Note that this will be forced throughout the site…
    I.e., find where wp-blog-header.php is included in the template (index.php), and put

    $order = 'asc';

    … on a line just before it.

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