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  • I’m trying to figure this out as well for a portfolio theme i’m building.
    I found out how to add the category name to the “item” divs(below) but I’ve yet to find out how to add “data-filter” into the links displayed by wp_list_categories output.

    function plain_category(){
    		$cat_plaintext = strip_tags( get_the_term_list($post->ID, 'TAXONOMY_NAME', '', ', ', '' ) );
    		$cat_plaintext = strtolower($cat_plaintext);
    		$cat_plaintext = str_replace(' ','-',$cat_plaintext);
    		echo $cat_plaintext;

    and then just add

    <div class="isotope-item <?php plain_category(); ?>">
    content in here

    Checkout this Isotope for WordPress plugin:

    Simply download it, install it in your WordPress site, and then place the template tag just above “The Loop” on any WordPress archive-based theme page. Most likely you’ll be looking for archive.php, tag.php, or category.php.

    Theres support for the Easy Digital Downloads and WooCommerce plugins so that you can use this to filter products if you’re using either of those shopping cart plugins on your website.

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