• https://blog.jalenack.com

    Hey, I’ve just been spending tons of time working on my new theme, and I’m ready to present it to you guys now ??

    First off, anyone have any design suggestions, ideas, problems, etc? Check out the draggable/minimizable sidebar boxes.

    Second, is anyone interested in having me make a free theme with the same design? I’ll make it if anyone is interested…

    Thanks, Jalenack

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  • bug??? Sidebar’s background is blank but not what you want.

    hello there, you made a very nice theme

    in internet explorer there are huge problems with the sidebar and the header. i think the header should be in the middle- but browsing with ie is a bit leftsided. the red in the sidebar doesn?′t look bad for me, because it?′s not shown correctly—especially with scrolling

    using firefox this design looks wonderful, everything fits, the red is perfect and so the sidebar too.

    i like the red in the sidebar and asides, especially the drop down sidebar-gives this design a special touch.
    but for me, if i could use this theme, i would change the background…it looks a bit boringly for. but thats what i think for using it myself

    if you release this theme with all plugins with it….there would be a lot ppl happy because there is so much to learn using this theme ( drop-down menu, poll function, chatbox, asides, quotes and many more….)

    keep up this good work, and yes, pls release it!!!

    A very elegant and classy look. The previous poster is right, in that IE just hates it (that’s the DropBox script), but in FireFox it’s gorgeous. Well done.

    where should i download this jack…so creative

    Thread Starter jalenack


    I’m working on it in IE, there are just two problems to fix and it’ll be fine.

    Right now, it’s not available to download, and may not be for quite awhile as I perfect the theme and fix IE problems and all that…you can probably expect a theme release sometime in June

    Thread Starter jalenack


    Ok nailed the two IE bugs…its working 100% now. I had to feed IE a solid background to match its poor png rendering, but the color is very nice still…now just the minimizing buttons could use better positioning. So to all you IE users, are you happy with it now?

    looks great – certainly original and creative

    Thread Starter jalenack


    sorry to bump, but this theme is now available…check https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/36566

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