• I saw where WP has added a new widget for blog email subscriptions. Can not find it on the widget admin page and I can’t find it on the plug-in list nor can I find any source coded to add it through the text widget. How can I get this added?

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  • I saw where WP has added a new widget for blog email subscriptions

    That’s not part of the current native WordPress core. Try looking for a suitable plugin.

    Yes, Same issue with me.

    I currently run my own hosted wordpress blog https://blog.combatnetworks.com
    I am trying to implement the Blog Subscription Widget onto the site. however undr >appearance >widgets i do not see or have the option for the ‘blog subscription widget’ is this widget availible for self hosted blogs?

    Please help!.. i am really looking forward to making use of this widget!

    THanks VERY MUCH!!


    I’m wondering about something similar, although the solution does not seem to be a widget.

    On lots of WP blogs I see, there are two checkboxes right beneath the comment textarea:

    Notify me of follow-up comments via email.
    Notify me of new posts via email.

    I have the first checkbox (“Notify me of followup comments via email”) on mine, provided by the Gurken Subscribe to Comments plugin.

    How do I get the other checkbox (“Notify me of new posts via email”)?

    Did anyone find a solution to the subscribe to blog via email / blog subscription widget issue? I would like readers to be able to subscribe and receive new posts as an HTML email.

    It seems that these two lines:

    Notify me of follow-up comments via email.
    Notify me of new posts via email.

    are included in the wordpress.com version but not in the www.ads-software.com version.

    There is a plugin called Subscribe2, but I’d rather have the above two checkboxes. Interesting that they are built into the simple WP version but not into the fancier one. One would think that an advanced version of anything would give you more options, not fewer.

    Agreed, it drives me nuts that I have to use SubscribeToAny in order to add a subscribe button. (It wouldn’t be so bad, other than that it runs javascript from it’s own servers, which means that that + google analytics + my share button plugin + scripts from my own domain = too much javascript).

    What do you mean “SubscribeToAny”? You mean AddToAny?

    I can’t find a plugin named SubscribeToAny. AddToAny doesn’t provide a subscribe-to-blog option, at least I don’t see one.

    Erm, ya, sorry, I meant AddToAny.

    Hey WordPress, there are no good subscription plugins out there. We want6 YOUR subscription widget. Can you please zip it up and make it avail for download ???

    We want6? Meh. Oh well. Anyway, are you referring to the wordpress.com subscription widgit? I agree, with that being said, it doesn’t look like it’s to hard to make (just take the links widgit, and set it to automatically be a link to subscribe to the blog, etc…) I’ll have to look into it.

    Hi Folks,

    I’m learning how to use WP the hard way ?? but this one is a problem I can’t seem to fix on my own. Can someone please advise what it means and how to fix it…I think it is related to these questions here/replies here but here is my problem in the simplepie.php script and class-feed script:

    Warning: main(/home/learning/public_html/wp-includes/class-simplepie.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/learning/public_html/wp-includes/class-feed.php on line 4

    Can someone please help? Oh, and just to make the problem harder, I don’t know any html. I’m a “guess and by God” html’er…

    Thanks in advance,
    https://www.learninghowsite.com is the blogsite

    LeifAndersen, did you come up with a way to do this? Or did anyone else?

    I need a plugin just like this for my new travel blog.



    Depuis la dernière réponse de esmi, il n’est toujours pas possible d’avoir le “blog subscription widget” avec un hébergement local (chez FREE pour moi) ?
    C’est dommage car nous serions nombreux à l’utiliser…
    Espérons …

    This is really frustrating.

    I’ve just paid a developer to widgetise my sidebar to enable a ‘standard’ wp.com plugin on my self hosted site, only to find it doesn’t exist.

    Thanks WP ??

    If anyone can come up with a good solution, I’d love to hear about it.

    Have any of you come up with a solution for a simple blog subscription solution ? I thought this would be simple !@#$!%&!

    Thanx, Glenn

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