• Servus Community,

    To display the input and output of terminal commands in a suitable way I came across the Blog Terminal plugin. It reads quite well what it can do but it can not really be used in the editor of WordPress. Surely I’m too stupid and ask for support.

    When I type the syntax of the plugin [terminal]test[/terminal] character by character it is displayed as I would expect. But if I then do a manual line break, the cursor jumps a few lines. Both in the editor and in the output on the web page.

    If I copy a whole multiline output of a terminal, possibly even with spaces, and paste it between the two enclosing boxes [terminal][/terminal], the editor jumps into its format mode and does quite strange things. Sometimes it inserts a separator line, sometimes it generates a Headline, but it never does what it is supposed to do in this case, which is nothing.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Server Information:

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    Thanks for your attention and sorry for this newbie question.

    Bye Tom

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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