• I went to make a new post last night and upon clicking publish, nothing happened. My browser just seemed to freeze. I then went to check the blog itself, and it just doesn’t load. The admin page also fails to load.

    It should be here: https://www.itscallingme.com/index2.php

    The rest of my site works fine, such as my index page and my sub domains, none of which are connected to my blog. What could be causing this?

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  • I am having the same problem! The rest of the website is fine, but when I try to go to my wordpress blog it sits, and sits, and sits and finally says “Page Not Found”

    Does anyone know what could be going on?! It was fine yesterday, 1/02/2007

    I’m having the same problem. I have my blog hosted at GoDaddy.com. They told me that it’s a problem with the WP database and GoDaddy’s servers.

    No info on when it will be back up, but they told me to give them a call back in a few hours if its not back up by then.


    Anyone know of a more reliable host?

    So this is an issue with Godaddy. Funny they tols me it is WordPress…lol All three of my sites are down ??

    Considering all your sites are down and you all seem to be hosted with GoDaddy…

    I’ve run across a lot several comments lately saying that GoDaddy’s performance has really gone downhill and problems like yours are becoming common place.

    Anyway, eremite3 and anyone else who might be thinking of finding a new host I’ll recommend Bluehost. They definitely have the best deal for the money and the best support as well of any shared hosting provider–online forums, Live chat and a 24/7 toll free number. And I’ve put a lot of research into this so I wouldn’t steer anyone wrong and so far everyone I’ve recommended to Bluehost hasn’t complained.

    For the average WordPress blogger you can’t beat it.

    Same thing happend to me last night. Called Go Daddy and they said everything is fine on there end.

    So, is wordpress not compatible with go daddy? If so, thats lame. I have several blog domains listed with them and the only one that went down was my most extensive site…of course. How can I recover it?

    Just got off the phone again with godaddy. They said something is going on with WordPress on their servers and they are working on it. They said to just wait it out and there’s nothing you can do.

    What a load of crap.

    I’m really getting sick of this crap. Why am I even trying to post new content when halfway trhoguh my article this freezes up and I lose all my work.

    How hard is it to switch hosts?

    I’ve never had to switch before, anyone have a tutorial or anything?


    Nothing like wasting your time. I f’d around with my index file last night to see if that was the problem, now that’s probably messed up regardless. I didnt make a copy of the original, so im not sure if there’s a stock one available that will work or not. Looks like i’ll be starting over.

    Diddo on the switching hosts thing. I’ve never done it either. I dont really want to fork over any more dough to make this lil project work either. uggh.

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