• Hello,

    I want to move my Blogger blog to WordPress. There are a number of very good online tutorials showing how to do this. However they are all a bit vague about migrating the Blogger template, layout, background image elements etc. over to WordPress. Does this happen? I want to preserve the layout and look of my blog, not have to recreate again in WordPress.

    Thank you!

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    However they are all a bit vague about migrating the Blogger template, layout, background image elements etc. over to WordPress. Does this happen?

    Nope. The content is migrated such as the posts and comments. The design, meaning the template, is not migrated and that’s not an option. The Blogger template system and WordPress themes are very different.

    If you are familiar enough with Blogger templates, CSS and WordPress themes then you can create a custom WordPress theme for your site.

    Thread Starter vesuvius


    Thanks for the speedy reply. So, does the Blogger content get placed in a generic WP template container upon migration? Or do I need to choose a template and layout elements in WP prior to migrating the content? Path of least resistance is my goal.

    After you’ve migrated your content successfully into WordPress, you’ll want to choose a theme. There are lots of themes to choose from, including free themes and premium (paid) themes.

    Not sure if you’ve found it already, but this post about themes may be helpful.

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