Blogs for Learning Launches
Many college and high school educators see the potential benefits of blogging, such as increased peer-to-peer learning and student-instructor contact, but need guidance about how to implement instructional blogging from a technical and instructional perspective. Filling that need is Blogs for Learning (, a robust community-based online resource dedicated to providing instructors and students with information about the technical and pedagogical aspects of blogging within the classroom. Blogs for Learning features The Learning Curve, a discussion blog where students and teachers can talk about blogging in the classroom, and a library of articles written by teachers, noted academics, and students discussing the pedagogical, legal, and technical aspects of educational blogging. The site also includes a collection of how-to interactive tutorials designed to help educators and students with the more technical aspects of working with a blog.
About Blogs for Learning
Blogs for Learning was originally conceived by Dr. Ethan Watrall and Dr. Nicole Ellison, and was created with the generous support from the College of Communication Arts and Sciences and the Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media at Michigan State University. For more information, visit
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