• Resolved childrensfitness


    I have a question about the Blue Horizons Word Press Theme. You can view it at:
    Does any of the experts out there know how I can take out the small verticle lines between the top links on the blue nav bar. For some reason, I don’t like them there, but cannot figure out how to remove them. You will see what I mean if you go to the link. Thanks for any help.

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  • moshu


    I am not sure I understand the index question.

    And I have to apologize not mentioning to you that the if statement should be “closed”.
    See The_Loop#Exclude_Posts_From_Some_Category and look for the line that is commented like this:
    <!-- Close the if statement. -->
    That line should go also into the index file.

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    okay, should the line:
    <?php } ?> <!– Close the if statement. –>
    go directly at the end of the index file, or directly after the line below?

    <?php if ( !(in_category(‘4’)) || !is_home() ) { ?>



    None of the above ??

    Paste your index to https://pastebin.com and post back with the URL

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Here is the URL:


    By the way, the 2 catogories I am trying to hide are number 1 and 11.



    Oh my… I didn’t know this theme is a blix clone. Had I known I would have given up on your very first question.
    (Sorry, it’s not your fault – I just hate it because it’s very difficult to modify, especially for new users. <sighs>)

    I’ll try if we came this far, though don’t expect anything.

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Thank you. The two catogories I am trying to hide are 1 and 11.



    Probably it will not work, but you can try
    BACKUP your original before doing anything.
    Sorry, I’ll give up on this theme – and put it on my “blacklist”.

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    We’ll, it kind of worked. It changed on the catagory page, but I get a parse error on the home (index.php) page. Is that a start, or is it a lost cause?

    You had mentioned making the home page static. Is that still possible?

    If not, can you recommend any themes similar to the one I am using? I really like it a lot, so I am dissappointed we could not fix this issue.

    Got to got to bed. I have to get up for work soon.



    Sorry, I told you it will not work. Maybe some more knowledgable coder could help you.

    The static homepage probably is possible. What I usually do I save my index.php as home.php and edit out everyhting I don’t need and/or add whatever I need. That should work. Though with Kubrick and blix you never know. That’s why I don’t touch them.

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    This is really on my mind. So, to make a static page, save index to home, and change the link on top to home.php. This way, posts still go to index.php, but it won’t be a viewable or linked page. Is this correct? As I continue with the page, I always have to update the home.php page to keep in current.

    Just in case I don’t know, where would I change the home link on the top menu bar to home.php. Would this be in the header.php. I am learning as I go along, so please correct me…….and thanks a lot. Now I am really going to bed.



    Don’t make up theories – things don’t work like that ??
    See Template_Hierarchy.
    You don’t have to change any links, WP does it for you.

    As I continue with the page, I always have to update the home.php page to keep in current.
    Wrong approach. You either should read more about WP… or slow down ?? You are jumping to (wrong) conclusions too fast!



    Len, sorry about setting you on mx4 theme. I don’t know if there’s anything else like it or Blix. I was about to link you to the old mx theme, but have no idea if it’s even supported by WP2 (don’t think so, not without some modifications). Perhaps you’d consider looking at the K2 theme, or better yet, K2 Reloaded, since it’s been all the rage of late, should be easier to modify and could possibly receive better support. And it’s blue, which you like… I think.

    edit: actually, I just had a look in a recent thread and a couple of people there are from the old mx4 camp. Perhaps post the question in a new mx4 thread and I think you’ll be able to get it resolved.

    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    okay moshu…..as much as I appreciate your help, I think you are jumping to conclusions too fast. How would you suggest making a static page since it was your suggestion?



    childrensfitness, hope this helps you solve your problem:


    Thread Starter childrensfitness


    Thank Neon:
    You have been a true gentleman and a great help. Thank you. I read the thread. The only thing I am having trouble is with hiding multiple catogories. It was very confusing for a newbie like myself. Any help would be great.

    Also, just looked at my index.php. There is no line that says:
    What can I do?

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