Probably you need to check the Booking Calendar MultiUser version.
Please note, booking admin panel possible only at admin panel. Its does not possible to manage the bookings from front-end side of your website.
In Booking Calendar MultiUser version possible that each registered WordPress user (your owner) have own individual independent booking admin panel, and can see and manage only own booking resources and some other settings (other owners will not see the bookings from this owner, they can see only own bookings). Please check more here (at bottom of the page) https://wpbookingcalendar.com/overview/
Also each owner (user) will receive the emails about the bookings of the own service(s) or property (booking resource(s)) and can approve or decline them. Please note, that the each owner WordPress user) will have different individual calendar(s) with booking forms in the separate pages. Please retest it in the live demo. You can read more about the initial configuration of the Booking Calendar MultiUser version: https://wpbookingcalendar.com/faq/multiuser-version-init-config/
Please test the live demo of Booking Calendar Multiuser version here: https://multiuser.wpbookingcalendar.com/
Admin Panel of Multiuser version (here you can test several admin panels functionality): https://multiuser.wpbookingcalendar.com/admin-panel/
Also, Booking Calendar can manage bookings, but its does not have functionality about the uploading of pictures or some other data. For ability to upload pictures, you can use standard WordPress functionality (from back-end side) or some other plugin for managing uploads.
Kind Regards.