• Resolved contentzheta


    I’m getting an error when I submit my form:

    Page not found
    We do not know how you ended up here, but please could you try again by selecting an option on the menu?

    Yet I linked it to the page with the form in the Booking Settings.

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  • Hi contentzheta,

    That sounds strange. Have you tried browsing to that page directly (not by submitting the form)? Does it give you a 404 page as well?

    My first guess would be that either a) the page doesn’t exist or b) your permalinks haven’t updated. You can solve the second by visiting the Settings > Permalinks page in your WordPress admin area.

    If you can provide links for the pages you’re having trouble with that might help.

    Thread Starter contentzheta


    Yes the page on its own works: https://badassburgers.eu/book-a-table/ however the booking form is part of a Parallax website with all content in one page: https://badassburgers.eu/ It seems in the Parallax page the ‘success’ page cannot be found.

    Hi contentzheta,

    I made a test submission at badassburgers.eu and I found it loaded the /book-a-table correctly. I ensured the submission had errors so that it wouldn’t submit an actual booking.

    Would you like me to test a real submission to see if that’s causing issues?

    Thread Starter contentzheta


    Yes please go ahead.

    Hi contentzheta,

    I just made a test submission and the form loaded properly for me. Here’s what it looked like:

    View post on imgur.com

    Maybe you’re running into caching issues or something on your end?

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