• Theme Author nobita


    boots 1.316 BUG

    Raindrops 1.319 + boots theme has bug

    Quick Fix

    Open boots/config.php


    array( 'option_id'		 => 59,
    			'blog_id'		 => 0,
    			'option_name'	 => "raindrops_sidebar_catetory",
    			'option_value'	 => 1,
    			'autoload'		 => 'yes',
    			'title'			 => esc_html__( 'Category Archive columns', 'Raindrops' ),
    			'excerpt1'		 => '',
    			'excerpt2'		 => esc_html__( 'value 1-3. default 3', 'Raindrops' ),
    			'validate'		 => 'raindrops_sidebar_catetory_validate',
    			'list'			 => 58 ),

    Please change raindrops_sidebar_catetory_validate to raindrops_sidebar_category_validate

    Please change raindrops_sidebar_catetory to raindrops_sidebar_category

    replace below

    array( 'option_id'		 => 59,
    			'blog_id'		 => 0,
    			'option_name'	 => "raindrops_sidebar_category",
    			'option_value'	 => 1,
    			'autoload'		 => 'yes',
    			'title'			 => esc_html__( 'Category Archive columns', 'Raindrops' ),
    			'excerpt1'		 => '',
    			'excerpt2'		 => esc_html__( 'value 1-3. default 3', 'Raindrops' ),
    			'validate'		 => 'raindrops_sidebar_category_validate',
    			'list'			 => 58 ),

    This bug will fixed next version of boots

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