• Hi, since the latest update from today/yesterday (v1.5.5) a bootstrap css file is loaded that interferes with many of my theme styles. And since the bootstrap file is loaded into the footer it has always higher priority. Is this bootstrap file really necessary? I don’t want to go over all my styles and force them to overwrite the bootstrap styles. I deactivate widgetkit for the time being and hope you’ll fix the issue soon. Thanks in advance and for your great plugin!

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  • Anam Hossain


    Before 1.5.5, our all resources are loaded everywhere both in admin and frontend.
    From version 1.5.5 we only load our element specific resources where our addon is loaded. Otherwise our plugin won’t interfere with others. We did it for your site loading purpose and other callback issue.

    If you need bootstrap where our element doesn’t exists then just enqueue it inside your themes function.php file.
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘bootstrap’, ‘https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.7/css/bootstrap.min.css’, array(‘jQuery’), 3.3.7, true );

    Hope you will understand. Let me know if it help.
    Will Love to help you again.


    Anam Hossain


    Hello @seitenwind,
    Please our latest update 1.5.8 .
    Hope your issue will be fixed.
    Let me know your feedback.

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