You put the header id as the offset but the header height changes according to scrolling.
When you click a link when the page is at the very top (i.e. the page hasn’t been scrolled), the header height is 101 pixels, thus offset is 101 pixels.
When you click a link when the page has been scrolled (i.e. the page is not at the very top), the header height is 95 pixels, thus offset is 95 pixels.
This happens while the is scrolling. The 6 pixels different is what you see as “white border” and it happens only when you click a link while the page is at the very top.
Your header height changes because your logo image gets smaller when the page is not at the top. You can change this by adding the following to your additional CSS:
.wrapfixed .navbar-brand img {
width: auto;
If you want to keep the logo changing (as it is now), you could try changing the “Offset” option (in plugin settings) to:
This selector is your header parent/container element which is not affected by the logo height (it always stays 101 pixels).
Hope this helps