• The problem: I’ve got disappearing borders around the main content of the website. The right, left and bottom borders show up in FF and Safari but do not show in IE and Chrome.

    I know that, in chrome and IE, the main div (which has the borders) is not extending to full height (in fact it is just making it pass the header) but if I put a height on it, it will break the template. I know that divs won’t wrap around floated elements unless the last floated element in the div has the “clear:both” property, but I have inserted that.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I just want the main div to wrap around everything (other than the footer) in every browser and work fine (not breaking the template)!

    Usually the clear:both property works but apparently not in this scenario.

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  • Moderator t-p


    Um – fond as I am of persuading people to validate their markup, I don’t think any of those markup errors would cause the problem. In fact, <embed></embed> may still be the best cross-browser method of embeding media – despite the fact that it has never been part of the W3C specs.

    @scott5288: Have you looked at adding in some conditional CSS for IE? You might be able to force a height without wrecking the display in some of the other browsers.

    Thread Starter cscott5288


    Hmm, the problem is that, if I use a browser hack (adding a height to the ‘main’ div), I still end up with a broken template. Besides, I am always hesitant to use browser hacks because they have a tendency to cause problems in the future.

    I noticed that the main div is wrapping properly in internal pages, e.g.: https://www.libertychampion.com/2010/11/02/fundraiser-a-success/

    It’s just the home page that is having a problem on IE and Chrome.

    .. such a pain in the ass.

    Conditional CSS is not a browser hack.

    Thread Starter cscott5288


    Conditional CSS is not a browser hack.

    Oh. at any rate, I just never experimented with that stuff.

    I’ve been able to get the div to wrap around everything on all browsers by using the overflow:auto property on the main div … the one problem is that the sidebar is pushed all the way to the bottom, even though the div is properly wrapping…

    I just never experimented with that stuff.

    Oh – you are missing so much! Living with IE is a lot easier – especially versions pre IE8 where the CSS box model is badly broken. By focusing CSS at specific versions of IE, you can adjust block element margins & padding to accommodate incorrectly computed box dimensions without impacting on the CSS for the compliant browsers.

    the sidebar is pushed all the way to the bottom, even though the div is properly wrapping

    Which sounds very like a margin/padding issue…

    Thread Starter cscott5288


    Which sounds very like a margin/padding issue…

    That’s what you would think, right? But i’ve tried all different combinations of margins and paddings … the sidebar is being very unreasonable.

    Thread Starter cscott5288


    it’s been about three days and I’ve spent at least an hour each day troubleshooting just this one problem each day .. i can’t seem to find a solution. I’m at my wit’s end here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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