Ah there you are, I was wondering when you would chime in ?? – Anywho the is when the header file is supposed to have appeared in the theme. Since is the first “official” release of WP-Forge and this is when the header file made its debut its safe to leave the version number as is.
Now if we really want to get technical, as some do, then the argument could be made that seeing s how some of the code was changed in the file, then this should be changed to the most current version.
However I disagree. Now that I think about it, and now that you bring it up, I should have maybe put a comment near the code that was changed. My apologies, I will make this happens in the next update.
I do think that whenever an update is released and a child theme is being used, that any and all files should be checked to see if there are any changes to the original parent files. At least this is what I would do