Bowling League rules
Hi Kolja, as per your request, I tried to describe the different bowling league rules. If anything is unclear, please ask and I’ll try to explain better.
Bowling League scoring systems
In a given weekly session, each team will face another team in the league in scheduled competition. Teams are awarded points for winning each game, plus points for having more total pins than the other team at the end of all games that week. Scoring systems vary by league. Some of the most common ways of scoring matches in leagues that have three games per week are:
¥ 4-point system: 1 point for each game, and 1 point for total pins
¥ 7-point system: 2 points for each game, and 1 point for total pins
¥ 8-point system: 2 points for each game, and 2 points for total pins (though essentially the same as a 4-point system, this system avoids having to award half-points for ties)
Some leagues may have scoring systems in which each individual on a team bowls an opposing team member for a point, in addition to team points being awarded. Such systems can have 30 points or more up for grabs every night.As you can see, there are a lot of possible variations. I guess, if you want to make the scoring system fit most systems, you will probably need to set up some parameters:
– number of games in a match (3 or 4)
– point system (see above)The bowling League of which you can see the scores on my website, uses the 8-point system.
A bowling season starts in September and end somewhere in April or May. It usually consists of 2 or more periods (depending on the number of teams playing in the league). There is a ranking after each period, with a period champion.
In case 2 teams end a period with the same amount of points, the team with the highest pin total gets preference.
Alternatives to rank ex eaquo’s:
– season team average
– running team average over x matchesAt the end of the season, the end ranking is made up.
Again, there exist different systems to make the final ranking:
– Based on the sum of rankings in each of the period rankings and again, in case of ex eaquo (equally placed), see ranking rules above.
– Based on the sum of points earned in every period.
In the current verion of League manager, there are a few things missing to make it better fit the bowling ranking system:– it should be possible to split a season into different periods with their own ranking
– in case of equally placed teams there should the team with the better average gets priority
In order to make this possible, there shoud be an extra field to fill in the total match score for each team. The average team score would have to get calculated and shown in the ranking table. There’s no need to calculate a separate average for each period. The average is calculated based on every match played in the season.I have not yet investigated the championship mode. Would that be a solution form y ‘problem’ with having several periods in a bowling season?
Here you can see how I’m using Leaguemanager on my website: website language is Dutch. And although I translated the strings “Won”, “Tied”, “Lost” and their equivalent abbreviations “W”, “T”, and “L”,
the translations don’t show up in the tables on the web page.
What could bet he cause of this?
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