• I currently use the boxing code show below to box my site. I recently added a footer menu, this new menu does not confirm to the boxing. How do I edit the code so it does?

    This is the code from function.php

    /* BOXING */
    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'tc_boxed');
      function tc_boxed(){
      // wrap header elements in a container
      add_action('__header', 'tc_container_wrapper_start', 0);
      add_action('__header', 'tc_container_wrapper_end', 100);
      //wrap fpu elments in a container
      if ( class_exists('TC_front_fpu') ){
        add_action('__before_fp', 'tc_container_wrapper_start', 0);
        add_action('__after_fp', 'tc_container_wrapper_end', 100);
      function tc_container_wrapper_start(){
        $current_filter = current_filter();
        echo '<div class="'.$current_filter.' container">';
      function tc_container_wrapper_end(){
        echo '</div>';
      // apply tc-header borders to our new container
      // and constrain the colophon
      add_filter('tc_user_options_style', 'tc_boxed_style', 11);
      function tc_boxed_style($style){
        $top_border = esc_attr( TC_utils::$inst -> tc_opt('tc_top_border') );
        if ( $top_border == 1 ){
          add_filter('my_header_top_border', 'my_header_top_border');
          function my_header_top_border(){
            //we need the skin color!
            $skin = TC_utils::$inst -> tc_opt('tc_skin');
            $color = TC_init::$instance->skin_color_map[$skin][0];
            return array(
              'border-top: 5px solid' . $color .';',
              'border-top: none;'
        $tb_style = apply_filters('my_header_top_border', array('',''));
        $style .= sprintf('
                .colophon .container { width: 100%%;}
                .tc-no-sticky-header header.tc-header,
                .tc-sticky-header header.tc-header{
                    border-bottom: none;
                    background: transparent;
                .tc-sticky-header.sticky-enabled .__header.container {
                    /* default fallback */
                    background: #ffffff transparent;
                    /* nice browsers */
                    background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
                    /* IE 6/7 */
                    filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#CCFFFFFF, endColorstr=#CCFFFFFF)";
                    /* IE8 */
                    -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#CCFFFFFF, endColorstr=#CCFFFFFF)";
                    border-bottom: 2px solid #E9EAEE;
                .tc-no-sticky-header .__header.container,
                .tc-sticky-header.sticky-disabled .__header.container{
                    background: white;
                    border-bottom: 10px solid #e9eaee;
        return $style;
      //use row-fluid for the footer/featured_pages and content wrapper
      add_filter('tc_column_content_wrapper_classes', 'row_row_fluid');
      add_filter('tc_footer_widget_area', 'row_row_fluid');
      add_filter('tc_fp_widget_area', 'row_row_fluid');
      function row_row_fluid($classes){
        return preg_replace('/^row$/', 'row-fluid', $classes);
      //constrain footer
      add_filter('tc_footer_classes', 'my_footer_classes');
      function my_footer_classes(){
        return 'container';
    }//end BOXING

    this is my site

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