• jennaction


    ok, i just installed wordpress 2 and it was sooo confusing to me at first but i think i’m getting the hang of it.

    one thing i’ve noticed that i don’t really like is how when i write a post, wordpress automatically formats it with . i don’t really like using those tags and when i go to type out ‘pages’ for my site, the formatting messes me up!

    i was wondering if it’s possible to change that formatting to make it auto format with just <br>’s instead of <p>‘s?
    anyone help?

    thanks so much!

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  • moshu


    Try using Ctrl+Enter instead of Enter – if we are talking about that ugly RTE (wysiwyg).

    Thread Starter jennaction


    agk, that doesn’t work.

    i don’t mind the ‘s much for just plain posts… but when i’m typing my pages out it’s messing up how i want them to look.
    i tried installing the execphp plugin and just using a php include to a page on my server, but then after i submitted it i noticed wordpress automatically put the php include tag in between tags so i got a big space above the page that i wanted to php include…

    i want to make it so that wordpress doesn’t use those tags automatically like that… just plain <br>’s or nothing at all.

    it’s frustrating. lol.



    If you are putting your own code in the content – NEVER use the wysiwyg/html/RTE editor. If you put code into any wysiwyg editor, don’t complain ??

    Thread Starter jennaction


    i don’t know what that is…
    lol. wysiwyg/html/RTE editor? what is that?

    i don’t know if i’m using it or not… i’m just typing posts and pages in the boxes… that wordpress has in the admin thing?
    what? haha. i’m confused…



    Well, in my books it says: if you are using a tool (=WP) learn about it.

    Thread Starter jennaction


    i’m confused…



    In the blog’s CP, go to the “Users” tab at top, click it and then scroll down to this: Personal Options
    Is there a check-mark in the box for this? Use the visual rich editor when writing

    If so, I think un-checking it would help ya..correct me if I’m wrong moshu.. =)


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