• Plugin Author feedsapi


    Hi Folks, we are all part of this great WordPress Community and it’s in our interest to make the platform better every single day, so I just created this thread for you guys/girls to make any suggestions you may have for the Most Powerful WordPress Conntent Syndication / Aggregation Plugin: RSS Post Importer .

    This is a brainstorming area, what this means is, you can make any suggestion you think will improve the plugin, the UI or UX, the simplicity of your own personal work for your site or your clients site.

    I can’t give you a guarantee that we will implement your suggestions, but if they help everybody and I can afford to implement them, I will do so. I can however promise you to take a close look to any suggestion and add it on my roadmap if it turns out to be helpful for the community.

    Please to be reasonable and responsible with this option and keep the discussion sane, do not judge other people suggestions (I will do that offline).

    The suggestion we consider to be the best suggestion (in terms of: Can we implement this !) will earn the Author a FREE Full Text RSS Licence Key, if there’s something you don’t like or wish to make your suggestion private, feel free to drop me an email at : support@feedsapi.com .

    Happy Brainstorming and blogging.

    Thank you,
    The RSS Post Importer Nerd


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  • Hola antes que nada Felicidades por un gran trabajo que han hecho con este plug in, me encanta y me es muy funcional, entre las propuestas que yo le propongo serian:

    1.- Que cada Feed tenga de manera independiente la frecuencia con la que se importe.
    2.- Poder incluir HTML basico en las partes del Template
    3.- Poder colocar un cron para el tiempo de publicacion,
    4.- Esportacion e Importacion de los Feeds o de la Configuracion.
    5.- Tener la opcion de hacer una importacion independiente por Feed y no global como esta actualmente.
    6.-Poder limpiar el contenido del Feed de HTML, scripts, css.

    Muchas gracias por darnos la oportunidad de sugerir cosas


    Plugin Author feedsapi


    Thank you very much for your suggestions mate, I needed to run this into google translate and could understand the gist of your suggestions, awesome and you are very welcome. Keep them coming.

    The RSS Post Importer Nerd

    First – thank you for the greatest really working RSS importer tool for WP I have seen so far :). I am encouraged to help making this tool even better, ‘cos I really love it!
    Here is what I wish to suggest:
    1. Add ability to assign some category to the imported posts.
    1.1. Expand it by adding ability to add multiple selected categories to the imported posts (either using Ctrl+Click in the combobox or by dropping down a hidden window showing a tree with checkboxes for all existing categories).
    1.2. Expand further by adding plugin’s ability to automatically assign categories if the name of the category corresponds to any word found in the imported content. (User may select either full match or partial match).
    1.3. Expand further by adding ability to fine-tune automatic assignment of the categories by letting user to assign some keywords that do not match the category literally but are close semantically.

    2. Do the same for tags.

    3. For those who wish to receive created posts in real time by email or use “post by email” and want to propagate their posts to other blogs, add ability to choose one or more email addresses that RSS importer will be sending created posts to.

    There are more ideas, but I wish to learn first if those I mentioned make any sense.
    Thank you!

    Plugin Author feedsapi


    Thanks a bunch for your kind words about the plugin and your suggestions. Since this is a brainstorming area, I normally don’t provide any judgement on the propositions but this will definitely help us improve the plugin.

    You however directly asked for feedback and if what you wrote makes sense, so let me try to answer:

    – Yes Dude, it makes a lot of sense… ??
    – 1.1 sounds great and do-able ??
    – 1.2 do-able BUT, this may make the plugin too complex and fail one of my main goal with the plugin (make it work, robust, keep it simple and functional): KISS . I will check this but sounds like it’ll make the plugin a bit complex for normal users and I will need to deal with a lot of false-positive and bug report/support requests… ; (
    – 1.3 Same issue as 1.2 , would love to keep it really simple to use, no confusing settings menus, no complex stuff, but will keep this suggestion in mind and on the roadmap.
    – 2. Makes sense, same concern of introducing too much complexity with this, but it’ll come in the roadmap.
    – 3. Our premium service https://www.feedsapi.org/ does exactly THIS. ??

    Thanks a bunch for all your great suggestions, keep’em coming, ??

    The RSS Post Importer Nerd

    Hello feedsapi creators.

    Congratulations on a great job you have done with this amazing plugin.
    I love your plugin, it is very useful for us.

    Among the proposals I would suggest would be:

    1. Let each feed has an independent option to schedule the time it would read the rss source.
    2. Be able to include basic HTML in some parts of the template.
    3. Be able to have or run some kind of scripts like a “cron job” on certain time.
    4. Have an option to import and export the feed configuration for future installations.
    5. Have an option to get one or more especific rss sources, not all of them.
    6. have an option to trim html, scripts or css in the rss response.

    Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to suggest improements for this amazing plugin.

    Plugin Author feedsapi


    Thanks a bunch rottenpeople , this is awesome, ??

    Hi and thanx for your plugin !

    A feature that could be interesting is the possibility to choose the format of articles. Currently it is always default format.

    Plugin Author feedsapi


    Thank you very much for the suggestion NarOneR, you shiuld akready be able to do that: Just change the default template parameters to what you need and hit the save button and you should be good to go.

    The RSS Post Importer Nerd

    WordPress parameter ?
    Because i already changed that and it’s not working.

    Plugin Author feedsapi


    What is the format of your posts ? Do you have a Full Text RSS Key ?

    With hueman theme i use image format.
    I haven’t Full Text RSS Key.

    Plugin Author feedsapi


    NarOneR , what do you have in the section you enter {$content} etc…. ?

    Furthermore, you need a Full Text RSS Key for some of the features , more so if your original feeds aren’t full text rss feeds.

    I currently use feedwordpress and i am looking for some better,

    can you confirm whether the whether the plugin supports importing categories and tags? and also the ability to show a link back to the original post in the published post.

    Also is it possible to import the current settings / freed list from feed wordpress?


    Just thought about your comment to keep your plugin simple without confusing settings and menus and how to keep simplicity and at the same time have the plugin more functional and powerful.

    To address this, I suggest to create two settings modes:
    1) simple default mode for novice or basic user with clean simple interface and minimum settings.
    2) extended / advanced mode that user can activate or access via e.g. “Expert Mode” tab. There user could play more with settings and advanced options (such as activating custom categories/tags assignments based on keywords, etc. – everything that does not meet KISS requirements). In case of enabling Expert Mode user may be informed that developer has no responsibility for investigating, tuning and fixing issues with plugin performance (unless the developer chooses to do so). This could allow avoiding too many false-positive bug report/support requests.

    Plugin Author feedsapi



    This is the wrong thread for your question, this is a brainstorming thread for suggestions to improve the plugin, please open a new thread with your question (copy/paste) and I shall follow up there, I don’t want to clutter this thread with stuff not relevant to the thread.

    Thanks a bunch for understanding,
    The RSS Post Importer Nerd

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