• Plugin Author feedsapi


    Hi Folks, we are all part of this great WordPress Community and it’s in our interest to make the platform better every single day, so I just created this thread for you guys/girls to make any suggestions you may have for the Most Powerful WordPress Conntent Syndication / Aggregation Plugin: RSS Post Importer .

    This is a brainstorming area, what this means is, you can make any suggestion you think will improve the plugin, the UI or UX, the simplicity of your own personal work for your site or your clients site.

    I can’t give you a guarantee that we will implement your suggestions, but if they help everybody and I can afford to implement them, I will do so. I can however promise you to take a close look to any suggestion and add it on my roadmap if it turns out to be helpful for the community.

    Please to be reasonable and responsible with this option and keep the discussion sane, do not judge other people suggestions (I will do that offline).

    The suggestion we consider to be the best suggestion (in terms of: Can we implement this !) will earn the Author a FREE Full Text RSS Licence Key, if there’s something you don’t like or wish to make your suggestion private, feel free to drop me an email at : [email protected] .

    Happy Brainstorming and blogging.

    Thank you,
    The RSS Post Importer Nerd


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  • Plugin Author feedsapi



    Thanks again for the genius UI/UX suggestions, We’ve been tossing around with a second settings tab option but yet need to figure out what to get in there, because we also want normal users to have enpught expertise to intuitively master the Expert Mode without any tutorials, but just a self-explaining UI/UX. We may take that road or as alternative , a second “expert setting” UI block under the default setting block. I will play around with some wireframes and see what it looks like and by the way, if you have any wireframes suggestions/concepts, they’re more than welcome, so feel free to drop a link to the image here.

    Thanka again for the great suggestions, keep’em coming.

    Happy New Year 2015,
    The RSS Post Importer Nerd

    I love this plugin! But, is it possible to set the default post type format in the plugin settings?

    After the feed import, I have to change all the posts type format to ‘status’ from ‘standard’ to get the format I want.

    Originally it would be great to have the imported post titles link to the feed’s {permalink} and not my website. I didn’t see that in the settings to do that, but it sure would be great!

    Otherwise, my workaround is to use the {permalink} in the template and change the post type format to ‘status’ to hide the post title. That works great since I still get a clickable link back to the permalink. But in order to do this I have to manually edit all the post formats to ‘status’. Changing it in the Settings/Writing/Post Type format default doesn’t work. When new posts are aggregated, the default type is ignored and the ‘standard’ is used.


    Plugin Author feedsapi


    Originally it would be great to have the imported post titles link to the feed’s {permalink} and not my website. I didn’t see that in the settings to do that, but it sure would be great!

    Great suggestion, made it to our roadmap.

    The RSS Post Importer Nerd

    Updated to version 2.1.0 and lost the ability to edit the feeds in the Rss Post Importer Settings.

    Other than that I saw the ability to change the post type at import. Woo hoo!

    Plugin Author feedsapi


    That was a bug, we just released a fate fix with the version 2.1.1 . Sorry for the inconvenience and by the way, if you like what you get, please leave a nice comment andand a 4stars review

    Other than that I saw the ability to change the post type at import. Woo hoo!

    Sorry but where is this option ?

    Plugin Author feedsapi


    Holycrap, I mean 5 Stars, NOT 4 stars…creepy typo, huh!?

    Sorry, NarOneR, I jumped the gun. I was thinking it was ‘post type format’ which would be great to see. It turned out to be the ‘post status’.

    I must’ve not had enough coffee when I typed it. I commend feedaspi for the update though.

    Andrea Whitmer


    I’d love to see an option to delete imported posts after a set period of time – I like to keep things from getting too cluttered.

    Plugin Author feedsapi



    Thank you very much for your suggestion. Saw your post and love it, will recommend it to a couple of our users and drop you an email. Adding this option will clutter the plugin UI, what you are looking for is this plugin: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/bulk-delete/ (not affiliate with them) , I’m using it on my test server and it works great so far.

    The RSS Post Importer Nerd

    PS: Here’s the article folks: https://www.nutsandboltsmedia.com/how-to-create-an-aggregator-site-like-the-daily-bolt/

    I have a RSS feed on my site with posts with different content but with the same URL, so a second post with the same URL is not being imported. Am I right?

    If that’s the way it works, would it be possible to plan a workaround?

    Great plugin btw!

    Plugin Author feedsapi


    Thank you very much for reaching out Leenvr76 and for your kind words ,

    Yes, you are right. That’s the duplicate post protection kicking in there, we’re working on changing the duplicate post protection logic (too robust at the moment and will not even re-import deleted posts) and we will be using a different logic that should solve the issue. This being said, I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to have different post with the same url on the same site, that’s against best SEO and UX practices, so I wouldn’t recommend it.

    I however can’t guarantee the new logic will let this happen, we’re trying hard to implement best SEO and UX in the plugin from scratch, so even users who have no affinity to SEO and UX can hit the ground running just fine, the drawback: This means sometime, protecting folks from doing things that Search engines and Users don’t like–> Duplicate content (turns out to be way toooo aggressive at the moment) , “cloaking” etc…Anyway, we’re looking into this. Thanks for stopping by and for your suggestion and feedback.

    The RSS Post Importer Nerd

    PS: If you like the plugin, I always welcome a nice comment with a 5-stars review on the rating page if you have 2 free minutes and really like the plugin. This means a lot to us.



    Just tested more than 5 RSS importers and this is the best. Nice work!

    Feature request: To be able to add “Caption” field to locally saved images, containing custom text, e.g. “Source: {$feed_title}”

    Warm regards,

    This being said, I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to have different post with the same url on the same site, that’s against best SEO and UX practices, so I wouldn’t recommend it

    Just to be sure, the content of each post is different, but some feed posts are published by the same author, so the link to his/her (external) blog is the same. Is this what you mean by ‘the same url on the same site’? Can I prevent this by using a no follow tag to these external links?

    The option to set manually interval of feed importing.
    I mean, at the moment there are 4 standard interval, like 10 minuts, 1 hour once daily twice daily.

    Wouldn’t be nice to have the opportunity to set that intervall manually?

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