• Plugin Author feedsapi


    Hi Folks, we are all part of this great WordPress Community and it’s in our interest to make the platform better every single day, so I just created this thread for you guys/girls to make any suggestions you may have for the Most Powerful WordPress Conntent Syndication / Aggregation Plugin: RSS Post Importer .

    This is a brainstorming area, what this means is, you can make any suggestion you think will improve the plugin, the UI or UX, the simplicity of your own personal work for your site or your clients site.

    I can’t give you a guarantee that we will implement your suggestions, but if they help everybody and I can afford to implement them, I will do so. I can however promise you to take a close look to any suggestion and add it on my roadmap if it turns out to be helpful for the community.

    Please to be reasonable and responsible with this option and keep the discussion sane, do not judge other people suggestions (I will do that offline).

    The suggestion we consider to be the best suggestion (in terms of: Can we implement this !) will earn the Author a FREE Full Text RSS Licence Key, if there’s something you don’t like or wish to make your suggestion private, feel free to drop me an email at : [email protected] .

    Happy Brainstorming and blogging.

    Thank you,
    The RSS Post Importer Nerd


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  • The images that are imported need to be attached to the post. They are not.
    Other plugins, such as galleries work on attached images.

    Plugin Author feedsapi


    Thanks for the suggestions folks, we are reviewing and evaluating them.

    I modified the plugin to import categories of the imported feeds. So it creates the categories if they do not exist and assigns it to the imported post

    Plugin Author feedsapi


    Paul, thanks for the contribution, please feel free to send me the modified version and we will take a look and evemtually tweak and port the tweaks to the next release, if it turns out to be something we’d like to have on the production version. You can drop it to [email protected] . Thanks

    Hopefully, you will find this suggestion helpful — it solves similar problems/questions raised in other posts, and adds an important addition to your plugin’s post template feature.

    One of my themes/plugins supports adding custom buttons to posts (which would require adding the “source url” to the post template), using code similar to this:

    <center>[button color=blue size=medium link={$source_url} icon=fa-external-link target=true]Click To Read Full Article @ The Source[/button]</center></div>

    Your post template {$permalink} variable will not work with this code, or with similar “href=” HTML code.

    My solution was to create a {$source_url} post template variable, by adding the following code (at line 46) to the “class-rss-pi-parser.php” file:

    $parsed_content = preg_replace('/\{\$source_url\}/i',  esc_url($item->get_permalink()) , $parsed_content);

    and adding the following (at line 53) to the “settings-table.php” file:


    This enhancement, solved my problem, and should be considered for a future release.

    BTW, it looks like a great plugin — I just started playing with it as a possible replacement for Autoblogged and other similar “bloated” plugins which are overly complex, slow and seem to choke when handling the large number of feeds processed on my WP ChronLaw.com website.

    Hi There! Very interesting plugin! I found it quite useful. Anyway I had to make some changes into it, and I am also finding some problems (bugs ?) that you may be interested in knowing:


    1) I wanted to reformat each post title into “rss title” plus the date. You provide some rudiments for reformatting the post itself, but not the title.

    2) I wanted to change some characters on the rss content. For example whenever I get a dot “.” I would replace it for a dot + “

    ” … So maybe it would be nice to add five or six “original text” – “replacement” fields on the settings interface.

    3) bug ? If I correctly understand, your plugin watches for older posts with the same title in order not to publish the same RSS post twice ? I got it imported twice anyways, even with the rss having the exact same title and link.

    4) rss import timing … “once a day” … when ? The rss I am importing into my website as posts creates a new set of news everyday at 7 AM … and I have no control about that. It would be nice to establish a specific time of day, so the rss import can be triggered from that time, and later.

    5) This is a nasty bug: I can see that the rss has new posts, but when I press SAVE AND IMPORT on your plugin, it keeps importing the OLD RSS, as if it was cached somehow. So no new posts, only the same old rss reposted.

    That is it. I am yet trying to modify even more your plugin in order to “fix it” for me, but it would be nice if you could add / modify it, provided you find my input useful.


    @feedsapi just saw this ?? Sent you the modified file

    We would like custom templates per feed please.

    Use case for this is (for example) we have two different feeds:
    1. The feed owner is happy for me to post their content on my site therefore my template for this feed will include {$content}

    2. The feed owner is not happy for me to post their content on my site therefore my template for this feed will not include {$content}

    Plugin Author feedsapi


    Hey Orenner,

    Thanks for the head up, that makes sense and is something I’ve added to our roadmap.

    Hi and thank you for your great plugin!

    I have two suggestions for you :
    1 : I had some problem with an rss (403 error code). Now all is ok and the problem didn’t come from your plugin but I think it would be great if the plugin could reports eventual error reading the rss instead of just saying that 0 post was imported.
    2 : In my rss the associated jpg is included in the enclosure tag. I had to modify the plugin (class-rss-pi-featured-image.php) to get the featured image url like this :

    if ($enclosure = $item->get_enclosure()) {
    $img_url = $enclosure->get_link();

    Maybe you should had an option to say where to check the featured image in the rss. Or just get the image if there is an enclosed one and if not check an <img> like today.


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