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  • Plugin Author Sébastien Dumont


    Can you explain the steps taken to get that message. This message should only appear should MailPoet not be working, not WooCommerce or this add-on.

    Also, please provide your “System Status” information under “WooCommerce -> System Status”.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter bpamedia


    The mail-Poet subscription on other places are working well. I will try again at evening – maybe I have to make something in setup (I only made the update and don’t look into setup)

    Jaap de Wit


    Hi, I have the same problem. This problems occurred after the latest Mailpoet update. On the checkout page appears the following error:

    “There appears to be a problem subscribing you to our newsletter/s. Please let us know so we can manually add you ourselves. Thank you.”

    The problem only occurs with logged in customers. After disabling the Mailpoet WooCommerce Add-on the checkout is working just fine.

    The Mailpoet plugin is active and is working ok.

    Can this be fixed?


    Plugin Author Sébastien Dumont


    Was the logged in customer already subscribed before subscribing again?

    Jaap de Wit


    Hi Sebastien,

    I don’t know. What I see is that the option to subscribe does not appear when someone already has subscribed. The store owner also tested, she is subscribed and also got the error and was unable to go through the checkout.

    The plugin always worked but stopped after the mailpoet update from last week. No settings have been changed in either plugin.


    Plugin Author Sébastien Dumont


    So it only occurs when a returning customer that has already subscribed gets this error, correct?

    Jaap de Wit


    Hi, probably yes.

    Plugin Author Sébastien Dumont


    OK. I will look into this issue and get back to you. Thank you for reporting it.

    Plugin Author Sébastien Dumont


    I have just pushed on the GitHub repo. Hopefully it will solve the issue.

    Please download it from there and let me know if it solved the issue before I push this update for everyone.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter bpamedia


    Thank You for fast solution. I will try out this evening and give you feedback.


    Jaap de Wit


    Hi Sebastian,

    The webshop owner tested but the error is still there after updating the plugin. She tested with a registred customer account which is not present on any mailpoet list.


    Thread Starter bpamedia


    I testet and the error is still there when I test as a logged in user.

    Good Luck



    This problem happened after latest Woocommerce update.
    Disabling “MailPoet WooCommerce Add-on” fixed the issue.

    Plugin Author Sébastien Dumont


    OK. I have done further testing and made a few more changes. Seems to be working. Please download from the GitHub repo again and replace it via your FTP.

    Thank you.



    Just having this issue as well. Any idea when a plugin update will be available?

    Thank you

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