• Hello,

    I use the following plugins:
    Gravity Forms v 1.7.5 and
    Gravity Forms User Register Addon v 1.5.2
    Google Analytics v 4.3.3

    I’m using GF filter gform_field_content to change the content of the fileupload fields, to replace the file name with actual file image.

    Now, the whole form won’t display if I have GA plugin active. If I deactivate the form works. I’m not sure how GA plugin can effect a filter of another plugin. I’ve no idea how to even start debugging this.

    I would hugely appreciate any help!
    Many thanks,


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  • Thread Starter dashaluna


    I’ve noticed that as soon as I specify the manual tracking number than the Gravity Forms breaks (GF).

    If I leave the field “Manually enter your UA code: ” blank then GF is working.
    No idea why simply specifying the tracking code manually breaks another plugin.

    Any adea?
    I would hugely appreciate any help.


    Thread Starter dashaluna


    I have been testing more, to see what settings break Gravity Forms.. and it seems that if I tick Track outbound clicks & downloads: setting that the whole form is not displayed.

    Have anyone experienced this? Does anyone know how to fix this? I would hugely appreciate any help!!

    Many thanks,

    Thread Starter dashaluna


    I could track the conflict with “Google Analytics” plugin as far as to the content filter:

    line 31 file /wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/frontend/class-frontend.php

    add_filter( 'the_content', array( $this, 'the_content' ), 99 );

    line 425 file /wp-content/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/frontend/class-frontend.php

    function the_content( $text ) {
       if ( !$this->do_tracking() ){
    	return $text;
       if ( !is_feed() ) {
    	static $anchorPattern = '/<a (.*?)href=[\'\"](.*?)\/\/([^\'\"]+?)[\'\"](.*?)>(.*?)<\/a>/i';
    	$text = preg_replace_callback( $anchorPattern, array( $this, 'parse_article_link' ), $text );
      return $text;

    It matches !is_feed() condition and goes off to change the mark up of links. However, the $matches array is empty following the call of preg_replace_callback(), which supposed to return unchanged $text, but instead returns empty string.

    Any ideas why it returns empty string instead of un-changed string when there are no matches of links in the content?

    Many thanks,

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