• Hi,

    Here are the pt_BR.po file:

    msgid “”
    msgstr “”
    “Project-Id-Version: Brand New Day 1.0\n”
    “Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n”
    “POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-14 18:58-0500\n”
    “PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-27 06:57-0300\n”
    “Last-Translator: Henrique Moreno <[email protected]>\n”
    “Language-Team: \n”
    “MIME-Version: 1.0\n”
    “Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n”
    “Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n”
    “X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;gettext;gettext_noop;_e;esc_attr_e\n”
    “X-Poedit-Basepath: .\n”
    “X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n”
    “X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: ..\n”

    #: ../comments.php:9
    msgid “This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments.”
    msgstr “Este post é protegido por senha. Entre com a senha para vier os comentários.”

    #: ../comments.php:19
    msgid “No Responses”
    msgstr “Sem respostas.”

    #: ../comments.php:19
    msgid “One Response”
    msgstr “Uma Resposta”

    #: ../comments.php:19
    msgid “Responses”
    msgstr “Respostas”

    #: ../comments.php:19
    msgid “to”
    msgstr “para”

    #: ../comments.php:42
    msgid “Comments are closed.”
    msgstr “Comentários est?o fechados.”

    #: ../footer.php:21
    msgid “Brand New Day Theme by Caroline Moore”
    msgstr “Tema \”Brand New day\” por Caroline Moore”

    #: ../footer.php:22
    msgid “Copyright”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../footer.php:23
    msgid “Powered by”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../footer.php:23
    msgid “WordPress”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../functions.php:54
    #: ../sidebar.php:14
    msgid “Vertical Sidebar”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../functions.php:63
    #: ../sidebar-footer1.php:8
    msgid “Footer Sidebar 1”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../functions.php:71
    #: ../sidebar-footer2.php:8
    msgid “Footer Sidebar 2”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../functions.php:79
    #: ../sidebar-footer3.php:8
    msgid “Footer Sidebar 3”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../functions.php:87
    #: ../sidebar-footer4.php:8
    msgid “Footer Sidebar 4”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../index.php:13
    msgid “You searched for”
    msgstr “Você procurou por”

    #: ../index.php:24
    #: ../index.php:32
    msgid “Permanent Link to”
    msgstr “Link permanete para”

    #: ../index.php:29
    msgid “Edit”
    msgstr “Editar”

    #: ../index.php:33
    #: ../single.php:18
    msgid “by”
    msgstr “por”

    #: ../index.php:36
    #: ../page-nosidebar.php:22
    #: ../page.php:21
    #: ../single.php:21
    msgid “Read the rest of this entry”
    msgstr “Leia o resto deste artigo”

    #: ../index.php:39
    #: ../page-nosidebar.php:24
    #: ../page.php:23
    #: ../single.php:23
    msgid “Pages:”
    msgstr “Páginas:”

    #: ../index.php:43
    msgid “No Comments”
    msgstr “Sem comentários”

    #: ../index.php:43
    msgid “Comment”
    msgstr “Comente”

    #: ../index.php:43
    msgid “Comments”
    msgstr “Comentários”

    #: ../index.php:50
    msgid “Older Entries”
    msgstr “Artigos antigos”

    #: ../index.php:51
    msgid “Newer Entries”
    msgstr “Artigos novos”

    #: ../index.php:56
    #: ../single.php:39
    msgid “Not Found”
    msgstr “N?o encontrado”

    #: ../index.php:57
    #: ../single.php:40
    msgid “Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.”
    msgstr “Desculpe, nenhum post foi encontrado com os seus critérios.”

    #: ../page-nosidebar.php:31
    #: ../page.php:30
    #: ../single.php:27
    msgid “Edit this entry”
    msgstr “Edite este artigo”

    #: ../searchform.php:8
    msgid “Search:”
    msgstr “Busca:”

    #: ../searchform.php:10
    msgid “Go”
    msgstr “Vai”

    #: ../single.php:18
    msgid “on”
    msgstr “em”

    #: ../single.php:25
    msgid “Posted in”
    msgstr “Postado em:”

    #: ../single.php:26
    msgid “Tags:”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../theme-options.php:17
    #: ../theme-options.php:69
    msgid “Theme Options”
    msgstr “Op??es do tema”

    #: ../theme-options.php:27
    msgid “Daylight”
    msgstr “Luz do dia”

    #: ../theme-options.php:31
    msgid “Nightlight”
    msgstr “Luz da noite”

    #: ../theme-options.php:35
    msgid “Winterlight”
    msgstr “Luz do inverno”

    #: ../theme-options.php:39
    msgid “Autumnlight”
    msgstr “Luz de outono”

    #: ../theme-options.php:46
    msgid “Right Sidebar”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../theme-options.php:50
    msgid “Left Sidebar”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../theme-options.php:54
    msgid “No Sidebar”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../theme-options.php:72
    msgid “Options saved”
    msgstr “Op??es salvas”

    #: ../theme-options.php:86
    #: ../theme-options.php:88
    msgid “Theme Style”
    msgstr “Estilo do tema”

    #: ../theme-options.php:111
    #: ../theme-options.php:113
    msgid “Sidebar Options”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../theme-options.php:134
    msgid “Remove Search”
    msgstr “Remove Busca”

    #: ../theme-options.php:138
    msgid “Remove search bar from header”
    msgstr “Remove busca do cabe?alho”

    #: ../theme-options.php:148
    msgid “Enable Simple Blog Mode”
    msgstr “Habilitar modo de blog simples”

    #: ../theme-options.php:152
    msgid “Remove the sidebar, search bar and narrow the content column”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../theme-options.php:162
    msgid “Custom CSS”
    msgstr “CSS Personalizado”

    #: ../theme-options.php:166
    msgid “Add any custom CSS rules here so they will persist through theme updates.”
    msgstr “”

    #: ../theme-options.php:173
    msgid “Save Options”
    msgstr “Salvar Op??es”


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