Hi octanage,
iTunes limits the hits to their review pages. When this plugin checks all of the countries, it hits iTunes a lot of times and will likely time out before it gets through all of them. If you’re running the latest version of the plugin, it checks through the countries randomly each time. (The previous version went through a fixed order with English-speaking countries first, as I assumed that would be most common for users of this plugin.) Eventually you’ll get all of the reviews from all countries, whether from the automatic checks or the manual ones.
In a future version, I’ll see if I can figure out a better way to retrieve the reviews. I’m going to see if I can log which countries have successfully been checked each time, and prioritize certain countries based on user settings and which countries have previously given more reviews. These are some noticeable changes and will require some testing, so it might be a little while.
Thanks for using the plugin, and I appreciate the feedback. If you still don’t get Brazil reviews after a bunch more checks, please let me know.