• Resolved Andreas 2013



    I’m working with a custom post type “person” and have created a custom taxonomy “birthplaces” with hierarchical terms like “australia” and “sydney”.

    Now I want to use breadcrumbs and tested out several plugins. But unfortunately no plugin works correct when calling the custom taxonomy.

    My path: https://example.de/birthplaces/australia/sydney.
    I want to create a breadcrumb path like that: Home -> birthplaces -> australia -> sydney.
    But unfortunately the path looks like that: Home -> australia -> sydney, what means, that the custom taxonomy base slug is ignored.

    The plugin developer from one of my tested breadcrumb plugins said, it depends on a wrong created taxonomy, and I should test it on a normal category. Indeed it works with a category.
    I’ve tried around a bit with the args of the taxonomy, but I can’t get it work.

    I would be glad, if someone could help me to solve the problem.

    Thank you very much in advance!

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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Hi Andreas,

    It’s admittedly still going to be dependent on the breadcrumb plugin developer to get the breadcrumb hierarchy set up and showing that way. There’s no specific settings for post type/taxonomy registration with WordPress, or Custom Post Type UI that will fix this.

    What would need to be done ultimately is figure out what registration parameters are being used for the category taxonomy that the breadcrumbs are looking for to include in the breadcrumb, so that you can match. I don’t know which Breadcrumb plugin you’re using, so I have no way of telling what setting that should be.

    Thread Starter Andreas 2013


    Hi Michael,
    I’ve contacted one of the plugin manufacturers, but unfortunately did not receive an informative answer. As said before, no breadcrumb plugin works properly with the custom taxonomy created by your plugin. I would like to know why the bradcrumbs appear correctly in the WordPress default category.
    By the way, for most of the breadcrumb plugins, the slug for my custom post type “person” is listed in the breadcrumb path. So instead of Home -> birthplace -> australia -> sydney is displayed the following: Home -> person -> australia -> sydney. The slug for the custom post type is disabled by a plugin!

    Do you have an idea what could cause these problems?

    Thank you in advance for your help!

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    If you can provide links/names of the plugins you’re trying, I can tinker and/or review the code for how they create things, but until then, I have no great answer for their own behaviors.

    Closest guess I have is that the taxonomy isn’t being registered as hierarchical, meaning parent/child relations.

    Thread Starter Andreas 2013


    Hi Michael,

    the custom taxonomy “birthplace” is hierarchical, and it works without problems in my template.

    Here are two examples of plugins I’ve tested out:

    The breadcrumbs-path as it should look like:
    Home -> birthplace -> australia -> sydney
    and how it’s displayed:
    Home -> person -> australia -> sydney (where “person” is the custom post type)

    The breadcrumbs-path is ok due to the possibility to insert custom text and link.
    But the json schema markup is wrong.
    There are only the items for Home, australia and sydney existing, but the item for the custom taxonomy “birthplace” is missing.

    For the other plugins not listed, the breadcrumbs-path consists only of “Home” and “person”.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Not sure what to suggest here as we have zero control over any of this and there’s no post type or taxonomy settings around the topic of breadcrumb generation. That’s up to the plugins/code that’s piecing it all together.

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