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  • Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    Have a good look at the FAQ n3RDY, it has a lot of information on how to configure Autoptimize correctly with your theme & plugins.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter n3RDY


    thanks for the reply Frank i am new to wordpress can you please help me out to solve this issue

    i am very confused what setting i need to on in plugin to work plugin properly


    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    hi rajnish;
    well, as ubergrid is a premium theme I can’t download & test it myself, so can’t really help you there.

    as per the faq; first try with only HTML optimization. if that works, add CSS optimization (disable CSS optimization if things break). next try JS optimization. try with the “force in head” option, try to combine it with “look only in head”. whoever does it, it will be some trial and error ??

    once you’ve done that, feel free to report back here on what works and what does not (including a description of what exactly is wrong) and we can see what the next steps would be.

    good luck,

    Thread Starter n3RDY


    Thread Starter n3RDY


    only html optimization is working now when i optimize the css my front page looks good but my category page start taking unnecessary gap between sidebar and middle boxes( and i also flush the cache after every changes, when i try to optimize js with add all to js to head section it make some gape in header i am using twitter widget that breaks compleity and my google adds also stops working.


    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    OK, had a look at your site. For Twitter, you’d want to identify the javascript that is responsible for loading the twitter-block and find a string in there you can use to tell Autoptimize to exclude that from optimization. Look at your page’s source, “” might be a good candidate. Add that (without the quotes) to the comma-seperated list of things to exclude from JS optimization and Twitter should work.

    Now apply the same principle to your ads and you’re good to go! ??


    Thread Starter n3RDY


    one more thing i want to add that whenever i optimize the css in my local machine it work perfectly but when i enable the css optimization on server, it optimize only one css and ignore the other css i have check these css are not in Exclude CSS section and i have set permission 777 but still no luck ??

    rajnish tyagi

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    well, have a look as to why some resources are loaded from instead of, which confuses autoptimize (it only aggregates css/js from the identical same domain).

    also, I see you have cloudfront enabled, disable it for a second and see if it changes anything.


    Thread Starter n3RDY


    hi frank sorry for my late reply thanks for your reply now all js and css are optomizing, but facing some problem with YASR plugin, and theme is also breaking at category section, i have also exclude jquery.js from the exclude list, can you please help me out.. right now my website is password protected i can give you user/pass on mail … ?

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    hi frank sorry for my late reply thanks for your reply now all js and css are optomizing

    that’s great n3RDY!

    facing some problem with YASR plugin

    have a look here for info on how to troubleshoot YASR

    i have also exclude jquery.js from the exclude list

    it is entirely possible some jquery plugin requireds jquery to be loaded early, in which case you can indeed only exclude it to get things to work.

    theme is also breaking at category section

    due to JS or CSS aggregation? try disabling either one to identify.

    can you please help me out.. right now my website is password protected i can give you user/pass on mail … ?

    I could have a look, if you’re really stuck that is (not a lot of time) ?? you can mail me at futtta-at-gmail-dot-com.


    Thread Starter n3RDY


    Thanks a lot frank i have just sent you mail please have a look


    Thread Starter n3RDY


    sorry frank but but Mail Delivery ?? is failed can you end me mail on [email protected] so that i can reply you on that

    my bad i thought it was futta but it is futtta please accept my apologies ??

    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    no problem ??

    I have access now, but don’t see a problem on the category page? can you explain what you think is going wrong?

    Thread Starter n3RDY


    Thanks for your reply

    please try to open it in private window

    –ads are not showing
    –rating star are also not showing
    –many time category page not showing prperly


    Plugin Author Frank Goossens


    for ads: seems like those are inserted in widgets, in that case you could wrap the entire javascript-in-the-widget between noptimize-tags, that way you don’t have to play around with the exclusion-list

    for rating: see solution in this thread

    for category page; I don’t see it, really. “Many time” means it sometimes works and sometimes does not? Make take a screenshot of when it doesn’t work an post (or mail) a link to that?


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