Hi Smiracles
I have check on your portflio page
Seem it has use the masonry script for make layout, so it’s cause that have conflict with a3 lazy load, the images at bottom still have not load so masonry can’t calculate correct image size and make correct width and height for image container
You should contact developer theme for make compatibility with a3 lazy load plugin on Portfolio page. It’s simple just call trigger from lazyload script that are defined
There are trigger are define and have guide on lazyloadxt
- lazystart, (triggered on window) before plugin's initialization code (binding to events, etc.)
- lazyinit, the plugin push element into internal list of "lazy" elements
- lazyshow, element appears in viewport area
- lazyload, element is successfully loaded
- lazyerror, browser cannot load the element
- lazycomplete (triggered on <html> element), internal list of lazy-loaded elements is empty, that is all elements are loaded or loading.
For example use below script for
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
jQuery('.element').on('lazyload', function () {
// put your script code here for reload the layout again