@darshi – Sorry to hear you had trouble, but I will point out we didn’t actually break their plugin, its theirs ;). We add menu settings in the most compatible way (proven), and even have a guide for other plugins & themes to update their code to be more compatible as well.
Just for a bit more info on the underlying issue, WordPress core only offers one way to add settings to those menu items, there are no typical hooks or filters, you have to override the PHP class WP uses to generate them and customize it. But that means that only one plugin at a time can do this.
The way we and ~40 other plugins + many themes do it is to overwrite that class, but we do not add our settings into the class (which is what your current plugin/theme is doing). Instead we add a generic hook in the correct place. Then all plugins & themes can use that added hook to output settings without breaking each-other.
If your mega menu plugin decides to do these updates, they will then also be compatible to work along side other plugins such as User Menus, If Menu, Nav Menu Roles, Menu Icons etc. All of these very well known plugins use the exact same method we do and you can enable them all at one time without any errors or issues. I mention this simply to ensure you we did everything we could to make sure the issue is not on our end.
Now here is a guide on fixing it which you can send to Enfold theme support & Mega Menu support.: https://docs.wppopupmaker.com/article/297-popup-maker-is-overwriting-my-menu-editor-functions-how-can-i-fix-this
There is another “temporary” solution in that you can go to Popup Maker -> Settings -> Misc Tab and disable our menu editor functionality. This was added a while back for situations like yours. That said I still recommend you pass the above link to the proper support teams so they can fix it correctly on their end.
Hope that helps, and I hope after you take time to read through the full issue you will see that we did everything we could to make it compatible, but we can’t code all the other plugins & themes, hence the reason we added a guide for them to do it themselves.
If you agree then I would ask that you please update your rating accordingly ??
For reference: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/nav-menu-roles/#faq – This was the original author of the method we use for compatibility, her faq has some more info on common conflicts and even a core WP ticket to eventually fix it.