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  • I have the same problem, if I add the Events List widget to my page whilst using the “Tribe Event Style” then all my page and post titles (and editing controls) disappear. Setting the default style sheet to Skelton Styles fixes the title issue, but I prefer the nice month view calendar I had before.

    I don’t recall this change happening when I first added the plugin, so maybe a recent regression? Or maybe I just wasn’t paying enough attention, I guess I could restore from a backup if I had to check.

    I’ve found what I believe is the cause of the problem. Not sure what the intent of the code was, but I suspect it’s doing more than the designer intended. If you edit: /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/resources/tribe-events-full.css

    You’ll find:

    footer.entry-meta {
    	display: none;

    Which is causing the titled to be hidden.
    I commented out these lines in this file and in: /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/resources/tribe-events-full.min.css

    This fixed my site for me. Hope this helps. Hopefully Modern Tribe will be along soon with a proper fix, or an explanation why this is needed and so if we need override it in our theme/child theme or not.

    thanks martin, worked for me.
    We’ll probably see a fix in the next few days

    Plugin Contributor leahkoerper


    Hi everyone!

    We just released a hotfix to correct this issue. Please update The Events Calendar to 3.5.1. If your issue persists after you update, please let us know. Thanks for your patience and understanding while we got that fixed!


    Thread Starter Michael King


    Leah – 3.5.1 installed for me and all seems to be working again. Tried all three EC styles and none interfere with other WeaverII page titles ( Nicely done, glad I waited and didn’t do anything drastic.


    Thread Starter Michael King


    I run two sites that use The Events calendar – the one with the WeaverII theme had page title troubles with 3.5 but as I wrote above, 3.5.1 fixed the problems

    However the other site uses Atahualpa theme ( – I think, but I’m not sure, there were no problems there with 3.5 but with 3.5.1 the Events Calendar pages are slightly broken. With EC Skeleton style, all is ok, but with Full styles or Tribe Events styles there is a problem. With both of those, the Calendar in Month view is compressed vertically and each day box only had the date and what looks like a ? character if there is something to display.

    I had been using Full style as that looked closest to to the rest of the site, and I’m sure that looked right (date & event title). I’ve set the style to Skeleton for now, so no loss of function, but it’s less appearing visually. I can supply screen shots of the undesirable configuration, if desired.

    On a separate note – more than one user has said clicking events to open is NOT intuitive – would be nice if each page had a fixed note somewhere that says “Clcik events for further information” or something like that. Maybe depends on how web-wavy the user is – wasn’t a problem for me, but as I said, others have mentioned the issue.


    Thread Starter Michael King


    Moving this to a new thread, as I should have done to begin with.

    Plugin Contributor leahkoerper


    Thank you Michael!

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