Wow.. still no solution to this problem. What I find in this WordPress environment is that “lack” of technical support and it may be due to the financial support structure…
I feel the Community would be better served if, the plugin developer were to offer a fee based support for “individual” premium plugin purchasers.
For example, I am trying to get off the ground and I am only getting lost in forums that are “closed” within 15 days? That is crazy. In my opinion the forums should stay open for six months. In this way newbies can drop in and pose questions to others and keep an open topic open. It would also create less new topic questions…
Back to a fee service for “hands” on advice. Look at the amount of “time” that has gone by with no resolve to being redirected to a dashboard.
I have deactivated, deleted and tried everything “I” could to get this resolved but have not…
Free really does not me “crap” if we pay for a premium product and get free support that takes us no where or takes months to resolve.
There is one area where there is no error ever! That is the area of taking money from us schmoes that pay for a plugin believing in a “support” from somewhere…