• My newest website version. Used to be on Zenfolio, but found I was wanting more flexibility. I will miss the proofing/printlab/commerce functionality that was so easily built-in to Zenfolio, but am loving the ability to customize anything in WordPress.

    My site: https://www.brianclaryphotography.com

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  • Nice looking site, simple good colours.

    I just wonder about the photo on the head page not sure about it, its a great piccy but I don’t start appreciating the photography until I check out your portfolio?

    Or can you have a sliding gallery on the home page or a fading in and out one to capture different tastes who might be looking at your site?

    Thread Starter brianclary


    Thanks very much for the great feedback, and taking the time to reply! The masthead photo, I understand what you are saying. One option I have is to rotate masthead images, a la slideshow, so I think, based on your suggestion, I will add some variety in there, and randomizing.

    Thanks again!

    Great pics and a nice looking site. It looks like you have already started to randomize the photos. I would maybe use more of the photos with vibrant colors to pull people deeper into the site. The giraffe looks great against the dark background. Great job!

    The site looks good. I’m not sure about the background.

    In Firefox, there is a big blank space (background shows) between the bottom of the content and the footer.

    With all the mobile devices and tablets, it might be a good idea to drop the flash stuff.

    I have to ask. what’s that proofing page through?

    Thread Starter brianclary


    @nm – Thanks, I have done some of that since.
    @bill – Yeah, some people like the background, some don’t…gonna keep trying it for awhile, get more feedback. I’m still working on the frontpage design to keep the bio section, but the blank space has been an issue with this particular custom theme. And thanks re: the mobile suggestion…but historically, only 2% of my traffic is mobile-based, so I am going to keep with the flash temporarily until that increases a bit more.
    @green – Client proofing is for photographs for clients that they are still evaluating, looking through, etc. and not yet released to the overall public website. For example, a wedding album, where the bride/groom get to ‘proof’ the photographs, pick their favs, etc. to give me an idea of what photographs they might like to see represented on the website.

    Oh, I understand that part Brian, I meant, who’s the service through? What plugin did you use? etc.

    Thanks for the fast response!

    Thread Starter brianclary


    Oh! It’s just a page native to WordPress, and I used the built-in ability of WordPress to assign a password to a page/post. The text that describes the proofs was generated by Settings/Translation tab of the P3 Customize section.

    For multiple proofs you could create links and do a dropdown menu, but currently I only need one at a time.

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