• I’m interested in having my plugin do some logic on a query string and display a custom page.

    the xdforum plugin does this, but i’m not sure how

    wordpress.php?a=xdforum // This routes through the xdforum logic via xdforum_process() function and displays the appropriate page.

    I have read through all the dev docs and can’t figure out how to get a point of entry into wordpress that is not action based.


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  • Figure out where you want to hook in and custom that page if you can’t use add_action. For example if you want to check query strings then maybe do that in index.php or wp-blog-header.php. Use $_SERVER or $REQUEST or $_GET or $_POST — details on those vars are available at php.net

    Thread Starter willy


    I’m trying to do this entirely from the plugin mindset. Doing that seems like it would be more of a hack than a hook.

    xdforum installs just like a plugin. Then the next thing that happens is ?a=xdforum takes you to the board….

    When I mentioned using the query string to process something I only suggested it in the initial “get me to the plugin” sense.

    Could this be the same as Creating a “static page” on a custom template that has my action handler?

    You want a query string to trigger your plugin. Got it.
    I haven’t found a need to do that sort of stuff so I’m just tossing out some suggestions you might try.

    Try doing some tests to see what works. Example, make a test plugin with something like this maybe :


    function my_whatever() {
    echo '<br/>';

    if ($_GET['x'] = 'abc') do_my_other_function();

    So when you get some output you can “hook” into it based on what you see. If you’re looking for “?x=abc” and you see it in the $_GET array then you know you can “hook” via $_GET. Or maybe through $REQUEST.

    See Codex plugin API for details on template_redirect.


    I don’t know how xdforum works and I don’t have time to examine the code to reverse engineer it for you. . . Hopefully this tidbit helps though.

    You could also join the wp-hackers mailing list to possibly get specific help.


    i (xdforum) hook into the template_redirect action and run my function. my function checked $_GET for the variable “a” and if it is “xdforum” then i check for my templates in the current theme directory. if i dont find my templates then i copy them there. then, i just include my main template and call exit;
    my template runs the header, footer, and sidebar fuctions as well as the xdforum_process() function which makes the page display.

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