Hello @abdulmuhajir ,
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We completely understand that changes can feel unfamiliar, and we value your thoughts about the update.
I want to assure you that the Header Footer Builder remains at the heart of Ultimate Addons for Elementor. The core functionality you’ve relied on to create dynamic headers and footers hasn’t changed—we’ve simply enhanced it to offer even more flexibility and performance.
Here’s What’s Still the Same:
You can still design stunning headers and footers dynamically, just as before, with your favorite widgets like:
- Site Logo
- Retina Logo
- Site Title
- Site Tagline
- Navigation Menu
- Page Title
- Search
- Cart
- Copyright
What’s New?
We’ve added two new widgets and a feature to help you create even more amazing designs:
- Breadcrumbs Widget: To help you display the navigation path dynamically.
- Post Info Widget: To help you add metadata like author name, publish date, and categories.
- Scroll to Top Feature: A button for smooth navigation to the top of any page.
Why the Change?
We’ve introduced a new, modern interface to improve usability and included an enable/disable switch so you can turn off widgets you don’t use. This makes the plugin faster and ensures it only loads what you need.
What Does This Mean for You?
While the plugin may look a little different, its purpose and core functionalities remain the same—only better. We’re committed to ensuring this transition is as smooth as possible for you.
Our support team is always here to assist if you need any guidance with the new interface or features.
?? Contact Support
We deeply appreciate your loyalty and patience as we continue improving UAE Lite. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or suggestions—we’re here to help!
Warm regards,
Team Ultimate Addons for Elementor