As soon as I write this up…
I go back (nearly an hour later) and hit refresh on the Reports page.
And it shows the Broadcast Completed…
During that hour — I’d refreshed the Reports page 15 times… it hadn’t processed. Also, the time stamp was within a minute of the last refresh:
Broadcast Completed 2019-03-03 09:05:03 2019-03-03 09:05:07 4
I retrieve emails and sure enough… there it is…
An hour late but it did it.
So, why the big delay?
Also, I placed several line feeds in the Opt-Out message of Settings…
And, I placed several line feeds in the Template after the last line of the message.
However, the Opt-out message is immediately under the last line of the message… in the Youtube video, it ends up directly under the word “Bye”.
It also stripped out line feeds between the “Hi” and “Bye” of the Template and it all looks like this now:
I’d be sad to see you go. But if you want to, you can unsubscribe from
here:[email protected]&guid=mdwehb-ckwgfv-srbhja-mtnquo-vdcfwi
No spacing recognized and acted upon…
I’ll try again with HTML enabled.