• Hello,

    I have been using this plugin and LOVE the customizing I was able to do with all my emails through Woocommerce.

    This morning, I have updated to Woocommerce 3.5.2 and a few other minor updates and the following two things starter happening:

    1. The very first email order confirmation I received was just a bunch of plain text with information, just like a text email w/o HTML would come in. I am assuming my customer received something similar on their end. When I go to the Woocommerce email tab, click on the Kandence email customizer I get basically the same issue, instead of a real time graphic of the document I am editing, I am getting plain text (very similar to the one in the confirmaiton email).

    2. I am also running Woocommerce PDF Invoice & Packing Slips plugin (which I updated today as well BTW). This allows for Invoices to be attached to all designated emails as well as provides small “Invoice” and “Packing List” icons in the Woocommerce orders page. The email confirmation that I am referring to above did not have the Invoice attached as usual and when clicking on the “Invoice” icon in the Woocommerce orders I am getting the following error in a new page:

    Fatal error: Class ‘DOMDocument’ not found
    #0 /home/pearllas/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips/includes/class-wcpdf-pdf-maker.php(50): Dompdf\Dompdf->loadHtml(‘…’)
    #1 /home/pearllas/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips/includes/documents/abstract-wcpdf-order-document.php(585): WPO\WC\PDF_Invoices\PDF_Maker->output()
    #2 /home/pearllas/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips/includes/documents/abstract-wcpdf-order-document.php(620): WPO\WC\PDF_Invoices\Documents\Order_Document->get_pdf()
    #3 /home/pearllas/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips/includes/class-wcpdf-main.php(234): WPO\WC\PDF_Invoices\Documents\Order_Document->output_pdf(‘inline’)
    #4 /home/pearllas/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286): WPO\WC\PDF_Invoices\Main->generate_pdf_ajax(”)
    #5 /home/pearllas/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WP_Hook->apply_filters(”, Array)
    #6 /home/pearllas/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(453): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
    #7 /home/pearllas/public_html/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php(100): do_action(‘wp_ajax_generat…’)
    #8 {main}

    If anyone has any idea of how all those things relate to each other, please help.

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  • Hey,
    1. In your woocommerce settings > emails. Can you look at the “Content type” section of the table and make sure all your emails are set to “text/html”

    2. Did you recently update your PHP? This error:

    Fatal error: Class ‘DOMDocument’ not found

    Usually means that you’re missing the DOM php extension.


    Thread Starter srozenbaum


    My options to switch between plain text/html email type in woocommerce email menu is gone, only gives me the text option.

    My website hosting have moved me to a new server this morning, could this be something that caused the problem?

    My website hosting have moved me to a new server this morning, could this be something that caused the problem?

    YES! that sounds like it is your problem. I would suggest talking with your host then. Show then the error and also that you can’t manage emails and use html.


    Thread Starter srozenbaum


    OK, I just did and received the following response:

    You can enable PHP extensions by going to cPanel >> PHP Selector >> checkbox on extension & save.

    Extension enabled.

    Not sure which “extension” I should check.

    Thread Starter srozenbaum


    Here are all the extensions on my PHP Selector menu:

    apcu igbinary nd_pdo_mysql propro timezonedb
    bcmath imagick newrelic pspell trader
    bitset imap oauth raphf uploadprogress
    brotli inotify oci8 rar uuid
    dba interbase odbc redis vips
    dbase intl opcache snmp wddx
    dom ioncube_loader pdf soap xdebug
    eio json pdo sockets xmlreader
    enchant ldap pdo_dblib solr xmlrpc
    fileinfo libsodium pdo_firebird sourceguardian xmlwriter
    gd lzf pdo_mysql sqlsrv xsl
    gender mailparse pdo_oci ssh2 yaf
    geoip mbstring pdo_odbc stats yaml
    geos mcrypt pdo_pgsql suhosin yaz
    gmagick memcache pdo_sqlite swoole zip
    gnupg memcached pdo_sqlsrv sysvmsg zmq
    grpc mongodb pgsql sysvsem
    htscanner mysqli phalcon3 sysvshm
    http mysqlnd phar tideways
    i360 nd_mysqli posix tidy

    hmm wow. not a very helpful host? Make sure dom is installed to start.


    Thread Starter srozenbaum


    Yes, Agree Ben. DOM is installed, I checked.

    If it is then you have a deeper issue. It could be that the settings are not applying to the specific site or something more but it’s on the server and I can’t even guess because I can’t see the server. Who are you hosted with?

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