• Martin


    When I got to the setting that when checked was going to notify me whenever any of my files were changed, the dashboard suddenly hung and I got a 500 internal error when I tried to log into my site.

    I deleted the plugin and recovered, and then tried reinstalling it (cause it seems to have lots of great features) and the reinstall attempt broke my site again.


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  • Thread Starter Martin


    If I remove the Better WP Security code from my .htaccess file as suggested in the sticky above, will I then be able to re-install the plugin safely? As things stand if I try to install it from the WP dashboard it just hangs.



    It sounds you have enabled certain feature that is not compatible with your website (or webhost). This plugin is really have lots of great features, unfortunately not all of them will work on all websites. You need to try it one-by-one to figure out it. So the best suggestion is not to enable all or too many features in once.

    Now, back to your question.

    It will be very likely to broke your website again if you re-install it. Because the configuration information of the features you have enabled that broke your site, still saved in its database.

    Luckily, you can manually delete the configuration information if you can and know how to access your database:

    Thread Starter Martin


    Thank you Handoko. I’ve deleted the code that Better WP Security added to my .htaccess file and in my DB I found two out of the three records you referenced and deleted them too. I will try re-installing the plugin and report back.

    Hi Martin,

    I would bet the issue is lack of RAM on your host. Unfortunately that isn’t something you can probably change. Try reinstalling and leave file checking off. If you still have issues email me at info [at] bit51 [dot] com and we’ll get you moving.

    Thread Starter Martin


    Hi Bit51,

    I was able to reinstall the plugin by following Handoko’s tips (thanks again for that Handoko!), and for now I’m just using the default Secure from Basic Attacks settings.

    I believe I have 256mb of RAM with my shared hosting linux package. I’m guessing that’s not enough to make use of some of the features of Better WP Security.

    I am going to leave alone for now, all the additional security features that come with caveats.

    Thanks for the plugin. If I decide to keep using it I will make a donation!



    Based on my experiences, these item may consume lots of your server resources:
    – File Change Detection (under: menu > Security > Intrution Detection)
    – Enable Scheduled Backups (under: menu > Database Backup)

    You may need to disable them.

    Thread Starter Martin


    Thanks Handoko. I will avoid using the File Change Detection and I do my backups with a separate plugin and a cron job via cpanel.

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