In the just released urgent bugfix v2.6.5 I was sadly unable to fix the excerpt bug you are encountering, but I did default-disable again the hook the_excerpt
, thanks to your bugreports.
I was even unable to fix what I mentioned above as the templates of new install using PageLayer fail to show as excerpts. I thought it was because I disabled the included PageLayer plugin. Turns out it was not, and it’s not even fixed by disabling Footnotes’ the_excerpt
hook filter, only when pasting the text as plain text (in a new post). Then the excerpt displays well, and when Footnotes’ the_excerpt
hook filter is enabled, it either displays with fully functional footnotes, or without footnotes at all, depending on the status of the “Footnotes in excerpts” setting. Consistently, without footnotes the excerpts are the simple strings known as excerpts in WordPress, while with footnotes, the excerpts keep much of their markup: bold, italic, colors as they occur. Only the most common line-breaking markup is removed for compacity.
But I do understand that themes may come with their own way of generating excerpts. If there are opportunities to timely hook into the process, footnotes may eventually get handled properly. It’s about saving and removing footnotes in the beginning, and re-adding and processing them in the end.
The easiest way to get around all problems is to avoid footnotes in excerpts, either custom or the first 55?words.
On the other hand, excerpts with footnote referrers may increase attractivity, and tooltips showing up on hover may do so even more.
That’s what the Footnotes plugin is now offering, debugging the old setting near the bottom of its first dashboard tab.
I’m sorry that this didn’t work out well for you. I apologize for the harm and trouble I caused.
If you see what can be done to improve excerpts, please feel free to let us know.
Best regards.
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by