Broken image links showing in Google Chrome
This is strange. Well, it is for me.
I downloaded Google Chrome to check out, and visited my blog.
Looked OK until I got to the bottom right hand column. Here, I’ve recently tinkered with the code to adjust the order of the items.
SnippetLooked fine on Firefox, but in Chrome, I can see broken image links.
See for yourselves: Blog from Italy
Here is the before and after code:
Before: Moved code in bold
// enter the IDs of which categories you want to display
$display_categories = array(34,113,285);
foreach ($display_categories as $category) { ?>
<?php query_posts(“showposts=4&cat=$category&offset=2”);
$wp_query->is_category = false;
$wp_query->is_archive = false;
$wp_query->is_home = true; ?>
// name of each category gets printed
single_cat_title(); ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
// this grabs the image filename
$values = get_post_custom_values(“rightcolimage”);
// this checks to see if an image file exists
if (isset($values[0])) {
?>” rel=”bookmark” title=”Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘url’); echo ‘/’; echo get_option(‘upload_path’); echo ‘/’; $values = get_post_custom_values(“rightcolimage”); echo $values[0]; ?>” alt=”” />
<?php } ?>
<h1>” rel=”bookmark”>
// this is where title of the article gets printed
the_title(); ?>
</h1><?php the_excerpt() ; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?><?php } ?>
After: Moved code in bold
// enter the IDs of which categories you want to display
$display_categories = array(34,113,285);
foreach ($display_categories as $category) { ?>
<?php query_posts(“showposts=3&cat=$category&offset=1”);
$wp_query->is_category = false;
$wp_query->is_archive = false;
$wp_query->is_home = true; ?>
// name of each category gets printed
single_cat_title(); ?>
<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
// this grabs the image filename
$values = get_post_custom_values(“rightcolimage”);
// this checks to see if an image file exists
if (isset($values[0])) {
?><?php } ?>
<h1>” rel=”bookmark”>
// this is where title of the article gets printed
the_title(); ?>
</h1><?php the_excerpt() ; ?>
<?php endwhile; ?><?php } ?>
My php knowledge is low – aside from understanding what does what, more or less. I’m not sure how flexible the order of the php elements is, and I get parsing errors when I try.
Can anyone tell me why Google Chrome is showing broken images, but Firefox 3 is not?
I know Chrome is beta, so this may be part of the reason.
Thanks for reading,
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