• Hi. I am pretty desperate right now, because my wife’s blog gets about 15,000 unique hits per month and it’s not functioning properly right now.

    The blog displays normally, but all of the individual post links / permalinks are dead.


    I did three things in the past couple of days and I don’t know which one caused this problem.

    1. Updated mySQL to the latest version, from a five year old version.

    2. Updated WordPress

    3. Renewed the domain name. (the domain had expired and the site went to a different name server for about 24 hours until I noticed that the blog was down.)

    I would really, really appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.

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  • start with resetting the permalinks. Set to default, test site, set back to custom.

    If that doesn’t work, temporarily disable all plugins

    If that doesn’t work, switch to twentyten theme and test

    Barring that, call your host…..

    Thread Starter mcgeorge40


    Thank you so much! Resetting the permalinks fixed it.

    I really appreciate it. Thank you.

    Sure thing, permalinks can just flake out sometimes…. resetting is a great troubleshooting thing to get in the habit of!

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