Hi, there isn’t usually a problem with cloudflare, however the new version tries harder to reduce the amount of generated CSS files resulting in most cases, in one single css file now.
Earlier versions sometimes had more generated CSS files, which even with cloudflare filters and optimizations could have been worked as the code was more split.
Cloudflare has some performance settings that should be disabled by default and those are CSS, HTML and JS minification as well as the Rocket Loader option.
In fact, this can cause trouble not only with minification plugins (such as this one) but also with normal wordpress sites without any optimization but happen to have a specific combination of plugins and themes.
When you enable those options on cloudflare, it tries to minify all resources… however, sometimes certain resources are already minified and they will break if minified again. When files are merged into one, the probability of conflict is higher… so my recommendation is to keep cloudflare settings on the Speed tab, like this: https://pasteboard.co/1AJWFIjSq.png
You should also purge the cache on cloudflare under the caching tab, once to make sure you’re not seeing an old file.
This should solve the issues you see, unless your staging is different from the live site.