• ah19321


    Hey everyone! New to the forum and kind of new to WordPress.. I was working on a website one night and came back the next day and was unable to log into the site. Fortunately I left myself logged in so I was able to mess around in the WordPress dashboard but it kept saying certain files were missing or not found so I decided to delete the theme and re-install it. I deleted it and tried to re-install it, however now it is saying that the theme is ‘broken’ and it won’t complete the install because the ‘theme file already exists’

    Any ideas on how to delete this completely so I can re-install it and work on it? or Any ideas for me at all at this point?

    Appreciate any help

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  • jeezyo


    When you say you deleted the theme and tried to reinstall it, did you do this through the wordpress admin, or ftp? If you havent done it through FTP, do so. Just go into WP-Content -> themes, find the folder, and delete it. At that point your site should revert back to the default theme. Then try loading your theme again, to that same location, then going into the admin and activating it.



    You can either delete the theme folder within wp-content/themes completely using FTP (or whatever file management application your host provides) and then re-upload the theme via Appearance->Themes. Or simply download a new copy of the theme to your computer and then upload all of the theme’s files & folders to the relevant folder inside wp-content/themes.

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