The problem seems to be that jquery.ui.slider.js,draggable.js and resizable.js are missing. To fix this, I downloaded resizable.js and slider.js it from query (1.92), uploaded them to the /plugins/arlima/js/jquery directory. The third file, draggable, is already there, and needed a fix in the code to make it appear in the rendered page (given below).
then edited arlima/classes/Page/Main.php and added the following lines:
line 113:
line 121:
wp_register_script(‘jquery-ui-slider’, ARLIMA_PLUGIN_URL . ‘js/jquery/jquery.ui.slider.js’, 12, true);
wp_register_script(‘jquery-ui-resizable’, ARLIMA_PLUGIN_URL . ‘js/jquery/jquery.ui.resizable.js’, 12, true);
line 129:
Initially that seems to have cracked it. I have a searchbox of posts on the right, can drag them into my list on the left, and they display on the frontend. I’m completely new to this plugin though, so I am not yet sure if something else isn’t working.