Hello @innovativezome,
Could you please check if your server is connected to a CDN, e.g. CloudFlare.
Some hosting providers and services like CloudFlare may have Brotli compression enabled. Currently, Hummingbird can’t detect Brotli compression, so it will display a warning.
You can verify if that’s the case with your site using an online tool like this one:
If you get “Brotli Is Enabled“, then Gzip compression won’t be required.
If the server is connected to CloudFlare CDN, then the browser caching options can be adjusted in the CloudFlare panel:
or in Hummingbird, after configuring CloudFlare integration (Hummingbird >> Browser Caching >> Integrations).
If you’re not sure whether the server is connected to a CDN service like CloudFlare, you can either check it with the hosting support, or find your domain’s NS records with this tool: https://dnschecker.org/
– select NS in the dropdown list, and press the Search button: https://prnt.sc/xuhXqdp-_-Vs
Please let us know if the above suggestions helped, or if there’s still any issue.
Best Regards,