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  • Thread Starter 1a-spielwiese



    Some Scrrenshots; cfr. especially the different seizes of the header-menu:

    Firefox Default-Profil – View: normal

    JonDoFox – View: normal

    Firefox Default-Profil – View: one step smaller

    JonDoFox – View: normal one step smaller


    Thread Starter 1a-spielwiese



    Regarding the arch-issue, which is not Reddle-specific, I started a new thread:

    (for ‘normale’ browser view the arch is now centred and above the blog description).



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    @1a-spielwiese, on the menu, if you want serif (Georgia, etc.) then you should be able to force that in the CSS with the following. I included the !important attribute just as an added measure.

    #access a {
        font-family: Georgia, "Bitstream Charter", serif !important;
        font-size: 100%;

    Give that a try and let us know how that works.

    I’ve tried creating and switching profiles in Firefox, back and forth, and can’t seem to replicate the issues you are seeing with the headings. They all display properly for me, no matter which profile I’m using (default or one of the ones I created).



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    On the arch text, you may want to consider using an image instead if you are worried about IE8 users.

    Thread Starter 1a-spielwiese



    Thank you, your code works – but again only for Firefox-Default-Profile.

    If I write instead

    #access a {
        font-family: Georgia, "Bitstream Charter", serif !important;
        font-weight: bold;

    JonDoFox still ignores the Font-Family, but processes the ‘bold’-definition as it the Default-Profile does. Strange – isn’t it?!

    @ JanDoFox – now in English:


    However, actually it is the other way around: I want to remove the serifes from the Firefox-Default appearances as well.

    It works with:

    h3 {
    	font-family: Verdana, sans-serif !important;
    #site-title {
    	font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;


    Remains regarding the font-issue the question:

    JonDoFox and Firefox cleary do not display the same Font, when the style.css says, that ‘Verdana’ should be displayed:

    I assume, that Firefox-Default displays in deed ‘Verdana’, but JonDoFox ‘Arial’. – Is anyone sure what the name of the font, which JonDoFox displays for me, is:



    On the arch text, you may want to consider using an image instead if you are worried about IE8 users.

    This was, what I tried at first – but this has also disavantages:

    Maybe I should go back to the header-image – and try the proposal of emilyTK:

    I have not yet tested it, because it would be more comfortable to have text for ‘copy & paste’, instead of having an image.



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    The thing is, you are using a non-standard profile, jondofox. If you switch to the default profile, things work fine from what you have said.

    Have you talked with jondofox support about this?

    This from their website:

    By default JonDoFox uses restrictive settings for security reasons. Time by time a website does not work like expected. You may have a look at our online help for JonDoFox to learn how to deal with restrictions.

    Thread Starter 1a-spielwiese


    @ sacredpath /

    “Time by time a website does not work like expected. You may have a look at our online help for JonDoFox to learn how to deal with restrictions.”

    That’s not my point:

    • I like to have the restrictions, which JonDoFox implements, and I like the apperance of my website, when I use JonDoFox

    My point is:

    • I want to have the same appearance and the same security standards for my page visitors, who do not use JonDoFox.
    • And I want to understand, how it works in general, so that I have not ask for every detail, rather could revolve the details for my own.

    Have you talked with jondofox support about this?

    No, of course they know, how JonDoFox works and which kinds of code it blocks; but they do not know (or at least: mustn’t know), how the Reddle Theme works.

    But I assume the Reddle developers know, which code types the theme consists of, which are usally considered as “risky”, isn’t?

    Thread Starter 1a-spielwiese


    Especially regarding the font issue:

    Could it be this way?


    • Using JonDoFox I allow Javascript for my own page, but not for google.


    • Reddle embeds Verdana via google fonts and uses Javascript for this. Is this assumption true?
    • Then the embedding is blocked for me by JonDoFox. Fine; I like this.
    • However, I use windows. Therefore Verdana is anyway installed on my computer and I should get displayed Verdana even without google and without Javascript, isn’t?
    • Maybe it’s because my JonDoFox-standard font type (Extras / Settings / Content / Font types and colours) is ARIAL 16 px. – But why this standard is not deactivated by the reset section of the Reddle style.css?

    Anyway: When I change within the Reddle style.css Verdana into ARIAL I get displayed ARIAL (and not Verdana) with my Firefox default profile as well. Fine. –

    However: On the theoretical level the above mentioned questions remain and I want to understand the structure of how it works.



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Verdana is not a Google font. It has been installed on every computer, nearly since the beginning of time (or at least the mid 2000’s). Unless specifically told otherwise in the head of a page, or in the CSS, browsers look for fonts first on the user’s computer. If they do not fine them there, then they substitute their own built-in Serif or San-Serif font.

    Jondofox setting, I expect are sacrosanct. In other words, what is set in its preferences are what you are going to get, otherwise it would be allowing the web page to control it and that would completely negate the use of it.

    You need to talk with Jondofox.

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