• Resolved David Anderson


    Hi guys,

    In the last 24 hours I’ve begun to see brute-force attempts via XMLRPC – POSTing to /xmlrpc.php, with the body like so:

    <?xml_version] => “1.0” encoding=”iso-8859-1″?><methodCall><methodName>wp.getUsersBlogs</methodName><params><param><value><string>admin</string></value></param><param><value><string>martian</string></value></param></params></methodCall>

    i.e. the XMLRPC method wp.getUsersBlogs is being called – https://codex.www.ads-software.com/XML-RPC_WordPress_API/Users. The above XML translates to “tell me the user’s blogs; authentication credentials are username=admin, password=martian” (which returns an error, since the details are wrong).

    This attack is distributed – i.e. a different IP address each time.

    It looks to me in a quick reading of the BP code as if this manages to bypass BruteProtect. BP hooks the action wp_login_failed; whereas failed logins via this method trigger the action xmlrpc_login_error. So, the IP addresses involved in this brute force attack are never logged with BP.

    There are lots of XMLRPC methods (not just the one in this attack) that can be used to check authentication credentials, but they all call in to wp_authenticate and call the above action.

    Conclusion: I think you need to hook the above action, in order to keep BP up to speed with hackers apparently moving to use this real-world distributed attack.



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  • Same problem here. So many requests it was lagging our server.

    I edited xmlrpc.php and put die() at the top. As far as I know we don’t use any of the xmlrpc functions on a day to day basis.

    This is a nice way of bypassing login captcha / other checks.

    Thread Starter David Anderson


    I am seeing this on multiple sites now, so it appears to be a widespread attack.

    I had this happen to a clients site earlier this month and have had little luck in finding any way to stop it without potentially breaking anything else.

    Hopefully the current popularity of this attack will spawn some solutions.

    Plugin Contributor Sam Hotchkiss


    Hey David,

    When XML-RPC authenticates a user (see class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:182) it calls the “wp_authenticate” function. If you refer to that function (see pluggable.php:521), you can see that the wp_login_failed hook is called.

    When an xmlrpc login fails, it ALSO calls xmlrpc_login_error, but this is in addition to wp_login_failed

    Am I missing something?


    Thread Starter David Anderson


    Hi Sam,

    Sorry about this – what you say is correct, but I think that I got confused when describing what I was seeing, because I’ve described the wrong thing, wrongly. Not sure what I was doing there.

    What I should have said was about the actual IP check, rather than logging the result.

    BruteProtect hooks the wp_authenticate action, which is called by wp_signon() in wp-includes/user.php.

    However, xmlrpc.php doesn’t call that. Instead, it calls wp_xmlrpc_server::login() in wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php, which in turn calls wp_authenticate() in wp-includes.user.php – which, confusingly, does not (AFAICT) call the wp_authenticate action. Instead, it calls the authenticate action (i.e. no wp_ on the front). And BruteProtect does not hook this action. So BruteProtect cannot prevent a successful brute-force login attack through xmlrpc.php.

    I may have missed something else. But I think I’ve explained it without suddenly switching track and talking nonsense this time. ??


    Thread Starter David Anderson


    Looks like you addressed this in 2.0.9…

    Plugin Author Jesse Friedman


    Hi David

    It seems you should be all set. If you need anything else please open a new ticket or email me at jesse [at] getparka.com

    There’s a variant of this attack that results in a PHP warning, which was cluttering up my error logs with:

    PHP Warning: array_unshift() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in /../wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php on line 518

    I tracked it down to a <edit>similiar</edit> xmlrpc post to the one in David Anderson’s report, but with an empty password. WP parses that as a singleton array and then treats it as a string (see line 455 of class-IXR.php). The credentials that end up going through wp_authenticate at line 223 if they try ‘admin’ are:

    username: d
    password: m

    Those are the [1] and [2] elements of the the string treated as an array. In my case they had a different username.

    Thread Starter David Anderson


    Hi Kitchin,

    If I’ve understood you rightly, then you should report that in the WordPress core Trac – posted in a support forum for a specific plugin, nothing would be likely to happen with it.


    It’s more or less a bug. I think WP allows PHP Warnings for some malformed data. Anyway, it alerted me to the attack.

    As for the plugin, the devs may want to know where single letter tries are coming from – xmlrpc.

    Thanks for reporting this, I had no idea where it was coming from and had to debug on a live server to figure it out. I though it was some wanky plugin or theme function.

    I added some tags so other people can find this. I’ll file a bug and see what they say. That’s another place people look to figure out Warnings.



    I am from time to time still reciving this attacks (WP 4.0)

    => “1.0”?>wp.getUsersBlogs admin “some password”

    one somekind of solution is to add this code in funcions.php

    function Remove_Unneeded_XMLRPC( $methods ) {
        unset( $methods['wp.getUsersBlogs'] );
        return $methods;
    add_filter( 'xmlrpc_methods', 'Remove_Unneeded_XMLRPC' );

    Thread Starter David Anderson


    timjony60: this thread is obsolete. A subsequent BruteProtect update hooked the right thing and now blocks brute-forces via this method. Also, your method will only block one particular XMLRPC method, whilst leaving many others open.

    Plugin Author Rocco Tripaldi


    +1 David

    Thanks for bringing that to our attention timjony60. I’m going to keep this thread as resolved.
    Feel free to start a new thread with any other issues that come up.

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