• I am thinking about using buddypress with my site.
    Can I have my normal WordPress theme I have installed now somehow just contain Buddypress? Basically I want a page I can go to that has Buddypress on part of that page and allows users to use the social networking features but only in a tabbed frame within my wordpress site and only accessable from one page that a user goes to.

    can I do this?

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  • Hello roclimb,

    its possible to do that BUT if you bought a buddypress compatible theme it’s a lot easier.

    Here is my buddypress integrated site.

    Its still being worked on but thats how buddypress will integrate with your site.

    Thread Starter roclimb


    Thanks, nice site, what news slider is that….is it a plugin? Very nice. Know of any good tutorials out there for wrapping a wordpress theme around buddy press?

    thanks again

    You need to make your WP theme compatible with BuddyPress by installing the BP Template Pack plugin and going through Appearance > BP Compatibility process https://codex.buddypress.org/theme-development/wordpress-to-buddypress-theme/

    If you hit a bump on the compatibility process, please post at BuddyPress forums

    Hi roclimb

    I wish you goodluck with BuddyPress and WordPress.
    I have been trialling BP & WP on my site for a long time (6 months or so)and I still have not got it going as I want.
    My WP theme is BP compatible as Mercime has replied & she helped me with it.
    However since then I have issues and problems. I really wanted BP for forum on my site but I have experienced problems getting a forum running as I want with BP.

    I now have many users on my site and many seem to be spammers which I want to remove. Today I have spent more time with my site adding plugins bp-humanity & NurCaptcha in an attempt to cut down robot spam/spammers (& I cannot test these plugins as I would like?).

    I came to BP forum to look for help & nowhere can I find a link to my previous posts (I can find these on WP.org). I was trying to message Mercime again for help and ended up here!

    As I said, goodluck to you with BuddyPress ??

    @richardpd hi there. Sorry I missed your post in BP forums. Yes, search doesn’t work that well there (google instead. We are aware of the issue and will be addressing it. Know that we are all volunteers who live in different time zones, we do try to help.

    Thanks Mercime.
    I know I can count on you for help (as you have helped me before and
    it is great to have volunteers giving help too but there seems to be to many queries for too few volunteers = overload!).
    Can I contact you on BP forums or is there a better way? I still need help with BuddyPress…

    @richardpd true, we need more volunteers ?? When it’s a weekend, it’s slower and volunteers are fewer. But feel free to start a New Topic at BP forums, I usually check in at least twice a day.

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